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- More books than space
- Work by Volunteers
- Bequests to the KAS
- Gifts to the Library
- KAS Library Acquisitions September - November 2007
Archaeologia Cantiana - the Future
The Christopher St John Breen Roman and Medieval Pottery Archive
Library Notes
More books than space
The shelves of the KAS Library in the Maidstone Museum have become overcrowded. To make space for new acquisitions it is intended to remove some of the older volumes of corresponding Societies (mainly those from overseas) from the Library to our overflow stores in the Maidstone Community Services Centre (MCSC) in Marsham Street and in Bradbourne House, East Malling. Of course, a record will be kept in the Library on which books can be found where, and access to the stores in Marsham Street and Bradbourne House can be arranged through the Hon.Librarian.
Work by Volunteers
Volunteers have completed a review and listing of local publications and items about Kent cities, towns, villages, hamlets and locations, and a list, shelf by shelf, is now available in the Library. Used in conjunction with the Library index, this will assist in locating particular items on the shelves. In the course of this work, Volunteers identified over 50 items in need of restoration, and the items have now been refurbished.
Bequests to the KAS
The Marsham Street store holds papers bequeathed by past members of the Society, and work is in hand to review and catalogue these in more detail than exists at present. In this process, Council has agreed that papers which may be of particular relevance to local History or Archaeological Societies in Kent may be offered on loan to such societies for research and display purposes. A start has been made in this direction with Smarden and with Sittingbourne local museums, which have now received on loan from KAS interesting papers and documents relating to their areas. Such loans require the local society to take curatorial care over loaned papers, and to acknowledge KAS ownership in any publication or exhibition.
Gifts to the Library
The Library is always most happy to receive gifts of publications and records to add to our collections. Two recent gifts may be mentioned, with our grateful thanks.
Dr. John Physick CBE, DrRCA, FSA. has donated his collection of some 3000 colour slides of photographs of Kent Churches, their architecture and their memorials. Dr. Physick was Deputy Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, and in his retirement he has been most active in many bodies concerned with the care of cathedrals and churches. In the course of this work he was awarded a Lambeth D.Litt. degree. In his Who’s Who entry, he lists an interest in “Photography, Looking at Church Memorials”, and the excellence and the range of the collection he has donated to the Library bear witness to the many devoted hours he must have spent in pursuing his interests. His work is a most acceptable addition to the Library’s Visual Records collections.
Another gift to the Library comes from Mr. Arthur Ruderman. Arthur has made a particular study of the history of Ashford, its people and its Manor, and he is donating the documents and papers he has collected on that subject to the Library. In addition, he is offering to the Library a selection of books from his library. Many grateful thanks to Arthur.
KAS Library Acquisitions September - November 2007
Bygone Kent Vol 28 no 5, 6.
Archaeometry Vol 49 p2 supplement 1. P.4.
Royal Archaeological Institute Journal Vol 163, 2007. Supplement to Vol 163; Proceedings of summer meeting 152. IOW.
Trieste Zeitschrift Rheinisches Ausgrabungen in Bezirk Trier Nos 37, 38.
Reading and Writing Practices of the Kent Gentry; the emergence of a protestant identity in Elizabethan Kent. D.Phil thesis U of K.
Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings Vol 151.
Romney Marsh Irregular. No.30.
Proceedings of the Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol 136.
Margate’s Seaside Heritage (English Heritage).
Kent Family History Vol 11 no 12.
Kent New Records Vol 4 p.6.
Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Architectural and Archaeological Society Vol vii no.12.
Montgomeryshire Collections Vol 95.
The Lost Manor of Ware. Kathryn Kersey.
Britannia Vol xxxviii.
Journal of Roman Studies Vol xcvii.
Orpington and District Archives. Vol 29 no.4.
Economic and Social Change in Anglo-Saxon Kent, AD400-900, Thesis, Stuart Brooks.
J. British Archaeological Association Vol 160.
Medieval Archaeological Journal Vol 51; index to Vols 46-50.
Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History. Vol xli p.3.
Archaeologia Cambrensis Vol 155.
Broadstairs; heydays and holidays Bygone Publishing.
Smarden, a pictorial history. J.Rogers.
George Bargrieve, esquire. H.Derr.
Tales of Victorian Headcorn. P.Rivers.
Bargebuilding and Bargebuilders of the Swaie D I Stattin.
The Isle of Sheppey Sheila Judge.