
One of our members, Mr Roger Pout, has published a book titled The Early Years of English Roller Hockey 1885-1914. It includes reports on Roller Hockey in Kent and has many illustrations. He has kindly donated a copy to the Society's library. It is softback, size 210mm X 148mm. Price £14.50 plus £1.50 for postage and packing. It can be ordered directly from Mr Pout at 68 Bognor Drive, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 8QR or obtained from The Bookshelf, High Street, Herne Bay, Kent, or the Albion Book Shop, 13 Mercery Lane, Canterbury.

Under Your Feet - The Archaeology of the Dartford District. The Dartford District Archaeological Group's second publication, Under Your Feet, was published in September 1993. An informal gathering at Dartford Borough Museum was held on 28th Sept. to mark its launch. The Deputy Mayor of Dartford, Cllr. B. Smith, attended and was presented with a copy of this new publication. Over three hundred copies were subscribed to prior to publication, including several by KAS members. This book is A4 size, 44 pages, softcover, and can be obtained by post from Mr. G. Mitchell. It costs £5 plus 60p for postage and packing. Cheques should be made out to Dartford District Archaeological Group (or DDAG).

Kent Settlement (Poor Law) Records: A Guide and Catalogue. Part I. East Kent. (Diocese of Canterbury). This book by KAS member Miss G. Rickard, B.A., catalogues parish by parish all known surviving settlement records for the Diocese of Canterbury, comprising the eastern two-thirds of the pre-1974 county of Kent. It covers the more well-known types of loose documents commonly found in parish collections and also less well-known sources, including other parish records, Quarter and Petty Sessions records, Poor Law Union records, Justices' Diaries and papers, etc. The whereabouts of all records are noted, along with detailed catalogue references to Archives collections. A select Bibliography points the reader towards background reading on the subject of settlement records in general. As a source book and historical record in itself, this work will prove to be indispensable to anyone with an interest in the history of Kent. Settlement documents involve not only paupers but also tradesmen, craftsmen, seamen, soldiers, laborers, etc. and are of importance to historians in recording movements of individuals and families from parish to parish. Paperback, 64 pp. Price £3.95 or by post at £4.45 (including postage and packing) from Miss G. Rickard.

Note: Part II, covering West Kent, is due for publication early in 1994 and may be ordered now.

The Chronic Inventor: The Life and Work of Hiram Stevens Maxim by James E. Hamilton, F.L.A. Hiram Maxim was a national figure in his day, although now largely forgotten. His best-known invention had the most far-reaching effects on military tactics, and his experiments with flying machines made him locally and nationally famous. Copies of this fully illustrated book may be obtained from Bexley Local Studies Centre, Hall Place, Bourne Road, Bexley, DAS lPQ. 0322 526574. Ext. 217. Price: £3.50 plus 65p for postage and packing (Cheque payable to Bexley London Borough).

Encyclopedia of Medieval Church Art by Edward D. Tasker. Published by B. T. Batsford. Price £45. Orders to PO Box 4, Braintree, Essex.

Deserted Bastions: Historic Naval and Military Architecture. Edited by Marianne Watson-Smyth and published by Save Britain's Heritage, 68 Battersea High Street, London SW11 3HX. Tel: 071 228 3336. Price £7.50 incl. postage and packing.

Death in Towns: AD 100 - 1600. Edited by Steven Bassett. Published by Leicester University Press, 25 Floral Street, London WC2E 9DS. Tel: 071 240 9233. Hardback, price £49.50. Includes articles on medieval monumental brasses, urban cemeteries, etc. etc.

Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy, 2nd Edition by Edward C. Harris. This book is the only text devoted entirely to archaeological stratigraphy, a subject of fundamental importance to archaeology. The book is written in a style suitable for the student, the amateur, and professional archaeologist alike. 184 pages, price £19.95. (Cheque made payable to Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Ltd). Available from booksellers or Academic Press, Marketing Dept. 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX. Tel: 071 267 4466.


The latest issue covers the district of Rochester-upon-Medway, embracing the following localities: Allhallows, Chatham, Cliffe-at-Hoo, Cooling, Cuxton, Frindsbury Extra, Halling, High Halstow, Hoo St. Werburgh, Isle of Grain, Rochester, St. Mary's Hoo, Stoke, Strood. Work is in progress upon all Kent's Districts. It is hoped to issue booklets for the entire County before the imminent local government reorganization gets underway. During this period of restructuring, the index, as a conservation tool, looks set to become even more useful for those prepared to exert themselves to protect our ancient buildings. It provides a handy reference of those buildings which are listed and those which probably should be. Editions issued so far are: Dartford - £2, Gillingham - £1, Gravesham - £3, Rochester - £3. Available from Michael H. Peters.


A new leaflet, Metal Detecting on Archaeological Sites: Advice for Farmers and Landowners, has been produced by Norfolk Museums Service, the Norfolk Constabulary, and the County Landowners Assoc. Copies can be obtained from Norfolk Landscape Archaeology Field Archaeology Division, Norfolk Museums Service, Union House, Gressenhall, Dereham, Norfolk. NR20 4DR Tel: 0362 861187/860528. Price: unknown.


The Nautical Archaeology Society


Money, Money, Money: The Allen Grove Local History Fund Grants