Archaeologia Cantiana - the Future

There has been some correspondence in recent Newsletters about the format of our flagship publication. As the Society enters its 151st year it seems appropriate to carry out another review. To this end a small group has been formed under the President’s chairmanship to look into this question. They would like to get the views of as many members as possible.

The team would like views on all aspects. For example, what do you think of the present size and length of the journal and the range of articles? Would you like a continuation of the blue cloth-bound hardback style or would you prefer paperback, in a larger format?

The next (2008) volume has already been finalized but the opportunity exists to make any agreed changes starting with the 2009 volume.

If you would like to send your views by letter please send to the President, Chris Pout: Sunnydene, North Stream, Marshside, Canterbury, Kent CT3 4EJ.

Alternatively you can reply by email to the Hon. Editor, Terry Lawson:


Walking through Weald History


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