What’s On
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- Loose Area History Society meetings
- Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks
- Crayford Manor House Historical & Archaeological Society
- British Association for Local History: Local History Day
Notes from the Archives: The Papers of Arthur Hussey
East Farleigh Roman Buildings: 2009 Update
Saturday 17 April 2-5pm
A joint Study Day organised with the University of Kent, the Kent Archaeological Society and the Council for Kentish Archaeology. Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury
- Current Views of Underground Kent - Mike Clinch
- Changes to the coast of the 'English' Channel after the Ice Age - Ges Moody
- Industrial Archaeology in north Kent - Jim Preston
- Defending the Thames, 1540-2010 - Victor Smith
Admission will be free to all members of the KAS, Friends of the CKA and KAR subscribers. There will be an interval for tea for which a small charge will be made on the day. Parking is available on the University Campus and a bus service runs to the Campus from Canterbury East station.
Space is limited and tickets will be issued on a 'first come, first served' basis. For tickets, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Chris Pout, 'Sunnydene', North Stream, Marshside, Nr Canterbury, Kent CT3 4EE.
The spring visit of the Churches Committee will be on Saturday 24 April to Hever St Peter and Edenbridge St Peter and St Paul. Meet at Hever at 1.45 for 2pm and go on to Edenbridge at around 3.15pm. Cost is £2.00 per person plus refreshments £1.00. A booking form is enclosed in this Newsletter.
Saltwood Castle
A group of 16 members has permission to visit Saltwood Castle near Hythe in May or June. Whether or not the four knights planned the final details of Becket's murder there, the first fortifications were constructed in 488 by Hengist's son Aesc and the castle was at the height of its power for 400 years of the Middle Ages. Date on application, to Joy Saynor, email: saynor@shorehamkent.wanadoo.co.uk
The Vaults of Ancient Winchelsea
Saturday 12 June
Although in East Sussex, Winchelsea was attached to the largely Kentish organisation of the Cinque Ports as one of its two Ancient Towns. Of its 58 vaults, 33 are now accessible, the majority dating from the late 13th to the early 14th centuries. Built of Hastings granite and with wide flights of steps giving access, they were probably used as sale and store rooms as well as wine cellars and taverns. We will be guided by a member of the Winchelsea Archaeological Society. A booking form will be included in the next Newsletter, due out in April.
6 February - 27 March
Canterbury: England's Crucible AD597-AD1603
Canterbury Christ Church University's History Department, in partnership with Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT), have secured Heritage Lottery Funding to put on a free exhibition entitled Canterbury: England's Crucible AD597 - AD1603. It investigates 1000 years of the city's history from St Augustine to the Tudors and is being held at the Sidney Cooper Gallery in St Peters Street, Canterbury from February 6th - March 27th. The gallery is open Tuesday to Friday 11am - 5.30pm and Saturdays from noon - 5.30pm.
20 specially designed AO-sized colour panels have been illustrated by artist David Hobbs. There will be archaeological finds from CAT, a short film, interactives and finds from detectorists. There is also a children's book and a free city trail. There will be free medieval puppet shows at 12.30, 2pm and 4pm each Saturday.
Two courses on regional and landscape history are running from 8/9 February in the University of Kent Centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge (behind the public library, near the station).
The Maritime Trade of South-East England, led by Chris Ware on Monday evenings
The Landscape of Kent to c.1500, led by Dr Gill Draper on Tuesday mornings.
For more information please email: tonbridgeadmin@kent.ac.uk or tel: 01732 352 316, or email: g.m.draper@kent.ac.uk or tel: 01732 452575.
Loose Area History Society meetings
Monday 8 February
'The Kindertransport'
A first-hand account by Edith Bown, a Jewish refugee, of her life in Nazi Germany and how she escaped after seeing her parents arrested.
Monday 8 March
'Papermaking in Kent'
An illustrated talk by Maureen Barcham-Green, with emphasis on the mills of the Loose and Len rivers
Monday 12 April
'Prostitution in Victorian Medway'
An illustrated talk by Brian Joyce, President of the Chatham Historical Society
Monday 10 May
'Farewell to Kent - Emigrant stories'
A talk by Helen Allinson, author and historian
All meetings are held at Loose Infant School Hall, Loose Road, Maidstone ME15 9UW, starting at 7.30pm. Admission £2.50. Pay at the door. Free parking in school grounds. Enquiries: 01622 741198, www.looseareahistorysociety.webeden.co.uk.
Saturday 17 April
AGM & President's Lecture
All meetings held in the Baker Trust Hall, Maxim Road, Crayford at 7.30pm. Non members are welcome to attend - cost £3.00. Enquiries to Mrs Hearn-Gillham, tel: 01322 551279.
Saturday 8 May
9.30am - 4.45pm in the Chertsey Hall, Chertsey, Surrey
A day conference organised by the Roman Studies Group of Surrey Archaeological Society will explore the results of recent research into the characteristics of agriculture and diet in the southern part of the Province, and the rural landscape as it developed during the Roman occupation. Speakers will include:
- Professor Mike Fulford (Reading University)
- Dr Petra Dark (Reading University)
- Paul Booth (Oxford Archaeology)
- David Rudling (Sussex University)
- Dr Mike Allen (Allen Environmental Archaeology and Bournemouth University)
- Gill Campbell (English Heritage)
- Mark Maltby (Bournemouth University)
Cost: £16. Further details and booking information can be found on the Society's website: www.surreyarchaeology.org
Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks
Wednesday 10 February
Preview of Canterbury: England's Crucible AD597-AD1603 exhibition (see above)
Sidney Cooper Centre, St Peter's Street, Canterbury 6-7 pm
Wednesday 10 March
History Underground: The work of the Kent Underground Research Group - Mike Clinch (Secretary, Kent Underground Research Group)
Wednesday 21 April
The Pyramids of Egypt - design, construction and purpose - Roger Sharp
Further details: admin@canterburytrust.co.uk or 01227 462062
Crayford Manor House Historical & Archaeological Society
Saturday 13 February
Romance of London's River: Southend to Sonning - Tony Farnham
Saturday 13 March
Royal Visits to Kent - Colin Breed
British Association for Local History: Local History Day
Saturday 5 June
Imperial War Museum
The morning discussion session considers local history and the internet, with introductory presentations by Jacqueline Fillmore and Bamber Gascoigne. This is followed by the AGM of the Association, and after lunch the 2010 BALH Awards will be presented by the President, Professor David Hey. The Annual Lecture will be given by Dr Adam Longcroft from the University of East Anglia. His subject is 'New Insights into Vernacular Architecture: A View from the Flatlands of East Anglia'.
Details from www.balh.co.uk under Events, or from Gill Draper tel: 01732 452575.