Events, Outings, Lectures

VISIT TO HOLLAND. Five Day Continental visit to Holland May 21st to 25th. Staying 2 days near Amsterdam and 2 days near Utrecht. Usual excursions packed in. Approx. cost - only £195. - Depends on exchange rate but cost is as always inclusive. (normal supplement for single rooms).

VISIT TO MID-SUSSEX. A Saturday in June (date not yet confirmed) Whole day coach trip viewing Saxon Churches, Mills and a Stately Home. Cost about £8-9. Pickups in Maidstone.

GOOSESTONE/NORTHBOURNE area. East House/Garden - Saturday noon in July (date not yet confirmed). Strawberry aftertea at Dane Court Barn. Cost £3.

BICKHEATH area. Half day trip. Saturday 15th, Sept. 1990. Coach pickups Maidstone and Bexley. Interesting houses on Heath. Cost about £7 (depends on distance).

Further details can be obtained from Mr. M. Crane, Continental Members Trip should and by sending the the stir eir March for details on the English outings. Enclose S.A.E. please.

BRAITLES FARM MUSEUM, Staplehurst, A Spring Country Evening. For details see enclosed leaflet.

BRADBOURNE HOUSE. Date in early Spring to be arranged. A Musical evening, organised by the Library Committee. Members will be able to view the restored and cleaned Twisden family portraits, attend a lecture by Mr. B. Gipps and listen to some pleasant singing voices. Further information from Library Committee Secretary, K.A.S. Library, Maidstone Museum, St. Faith's St., Maidstone. ME14 lLH. SAE. please.

CRAYFORD MANOR HOUSE. One day School, organised jointly by K.A.S. and Crayford Manor House Adult Education Centre 10.lS a.m. to 4.30 p .m., on ASPECTS OF KENTISH HISTORY; it is hoped to include illustrated lectures on Old Soar, the 700th Anniversary; Conservation in Kent and The Kentish, Hop Industry. To be held on Saturday, March 3rd. 1990, at Crayford Manor House, Mayplace Road East, Crayford, Kent. Tickets from Crayford Manor House, price £3, to include morning coffee and afternoon tea. Facilities for eating packed lunch. Pubs nearby.

K.A.S. MEDWAY & GILLINGHAM BRANCH. Meetings are open to anyone who has an interest in the subjects of the lectures. Meetings are held at the Rochester Guildhall Museum, High St., Rochester, commencing at 7.30 p.m. Coffee and biscuits are served from 7.00 p.m.

Tues. 13th Feb. 1990. Anglo Saxon Remains in East Kent viewed from the Air, Jim Bradshaw of Ashford.

Tues. 17th April 1990. Professional Painters in the Medway Towns, Michael Moad and Ron Baldwin.

BEXLEY ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP. A day Conference on LONDON BOROUGH of BEXLEY ARCHAELOGICAL HERITAGE, With the theme ''Where from Now?" To be held at Harenc School, Rectory Lany, Sidcup, 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Sat. 24th Feb. 1990. Details on request from Bexley Archaeological Unit. Footscray Place Estate, Rectory Lane, Sidcup, Kent DA14 SBP.

PUBLIC LECTURE. The Archaeology of South East London, by Derek Garrod. Wed. 7th March 1990 at Hall Place, Bexley. Tickets £1.50 from Local Studies Section, Hall Place, Bourne Road, Bexley DAS lPQ.

ROMNEY MARSH RESEARCH TRUST, SPRING LECTURE. On Friday, 16th March 1990 by Professor John Hutchinson of Imperial College. The hill-slopes behind Romney Marsh, and the dramatic effects of landslips on the Roman Fort at Stutfall, to be followed by a glass of wine. To be held in the Great Hall, Lympne Castle. 7.30 p.m. Enquiries and S.A.E. to Mrs. Jill Eddison, M.A., Langley Farm, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent TN26 3HF.

COUNCIL FOR KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY, with Folkestone and District Local History Society.

One day Conference: SOME ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES & RESEARCH IN FOLKESTONE & DEAL. On Saturday 21st April 1990 at South Kent College, Shorncliffe Road, Folkestone, 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Morning: Visit to Mayor's Parlour, Civic Centre, with guided tour by Town Mayor. Display of photographs and finds of Folkestone and Deal at South Kent College.

Afternoon: SOME ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES & RESEARCH IN FOLKESTONE & DEAL - an afternoon of talks on local archaeology and history including: Folkes/one, the making of the modem town. e History and Excavations of the Folkes/one Roman Villa, Quernstone introduction in Folkestone, Excavations at St. Richard's Road, Deal. Tickets: Price £2.00 (payable to CK.A.) from CK.A. S.A.E. please.


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