K.A.S. Publications

Available at K.A.S. member's rates.

MONOGRAPH SERIES (1979) Vol. I: G. W. Meates, The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent. I. The Site. 28 x 22 cm., pp. 219, 35 figs., 30 pls. (+2 in colour), full-colour jacket, cased, £7.50 (+£3.00 p.&p).

(1986) Vol. II: M. J. Fuller and R. J. Spain, Watermills (Kent and the Borders of Sussex), 28 x 22 cm., pp. 203, 90 figs., 4 pls., full-colour jacket, cased, £15.00 (+£3.00 p.&p.).

(1987) Vol. III: G. W. Meates, The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent. II. The Wall Paintings and Finds. 28 x 22 cm., pp. xxx + 330, 91 figs., 7 pls. (+18 colour), full-colour jacket, cased, £20.00 (+£4.00 p.&p.).

(1988) Vol. IV: D. Sherlock and H. Woods, St. Augustine's Abbey: Report on Excavations, 1960-78, 28 x 22 cm., xxxi + 366, figs. 94, pls. 52 (+3 in colour), full-colour jacket, cased, £20.00 (+£4.00 p.&p.).

(1988) Vol. V: R. J. Pollard, The Roman Pottery of Kent, 28 x 22 cm, pp. xxxviii + 247, 69 figs., full-colour jacket, cased, £20.00 (+£3.00 p.&p.).

OCCASIONAL VOLUMES (1981) (Ed.) A. Detsicas, Collectanea Historica: Essays in Memory of Stuart Rigold, 28 x 22 cm., pp. xxx + 315, 66 figs., 64 pls., jacket, cased, £7.50 (+£4.00 p.&p.).

(1983) (Eds.) A. Detsicas and N. Yates, Studies in Modern Kentish History presented to Felix Hull and Elizabeth Melling, 28 x 22 cm., pp. xv + 230, 7 figs., 20 pls., full-colour jacket, cased, £5.00 (+£3.00 p.&p.).

RECORDS SERIES (1980) Vol. XXII: C. R. Councer, Lost Glass from Kent Churches, 22.5 x 14 cm., pp. xvi + 170, 9 figs., 15 colour pls., full-colour jacket, cased, £5.00 (+£2.00 p.&p.).

(1984) Vol. XXIII: (Ed.) C. W. Chalklin, New Maidstone Gaol Order Book, 1805-1823, 22.5 x 14 cm., pp. 186, 2 pls., jacket, cased, £5.00 (+£2.00 p.&p.).

(1984) Vol. XXIV: (Ed.) K. L. Wood-Legh, Kentish Visitations of Archbishop Warham and his Deputies, 1511-12, 22.5 x 14 cm., pp. xvii + 343, frontispiece, jacket, cased, £12.00 (+£4.00 p.&p.).

(1988) Vol. XXV: (Ed.) H. C. F. Lansberry, Sevenoaks Wills and Inventories in the Reign of Charles II, 22.5 x 14 cm., pp. xxxvi + 268, 8 pls., jacket, cased, £20.00 (+£3.00 p.&p.).

Orders with cheques payable to the Kent Archaeological Society to: Dr. A. P. Detsicas,


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Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group Dig at Sharstead