What’s On
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- Local History: Starting and Moving On
- The Romney Marsh Research Trust Study Day ‘Agricultural Transformations and the Marsh’
- Society for Clay Pipe Research Conference
- Crofton Roman Villa
- Easter Holiday Events – The Ancient Olympic Games - Wednesdays 4th and 11th April
- July event - Family Roman Villa Fun
- Council for British Archaeology South East Conference - Marking Past Landscapes
- Can you help with research into ‘galletting’?
Can you help with research into ‘galleting’?
Committee Round Up
Local History: Starting and Moving On
Starts Tuesday 24 April, 10.30 to 12.30
Price £42 for five sessions.
More details from Dr Gill Draper, on 01732 452575 or g.m.draper@kent.ac.uk or www.canterbury.ac.uk/community-arts-education.
The Romney Marsh Research Trust Study Day ‘Agricultural Transformations and the Marsh’
Led by Dr Hadrian Cook, Kingston University
Saturday 12 May
Provisional programme includes three lectures in the morning and visits to two farms in the afternoon by coach. Based at Udimore St Mary’s Community Hall (Udimore, Rye TN31 6BB) from 10:15am (doors open 9:45am for tea/coffee). Lunch can be taken in a local pub or ‘bring your own’.
Booking form and tickets, which will cost no more than £20, to include all lectures, transport and tea/coffee but not lunch, will be available from the RMRT Treasurer, David Williams on treasurer@rmrt.org.uk.
Society for Clay Pipe Research Conference
Vine Baptist Church Hall, Park Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3UP
15-16 September
The Saturday programme of lectures will focus on the Kent clay tobacco pipe industry and will be complemented by displays. In the evening there will be the optional conference dinner at a local restaurant. A visit to a local historical attraction is to follow on the Sunday morning. Non-members of the Society will be very welcome to attend.
Further information is available on the Society website (http://scpr.co) or from Brian Boyden (email: brian.boyden@dsl.pipex.com) or Chris Jarrett (email: cjarrett@pre-construct.com).
Crofton Roman Villa
Open from 1st April - 2nd November every Wednesday, Friday, Bank Holiday Monday and first Sunday of every month from 10am - 5pm (last admission 4.30pm)
Easter Holiday Events – The Ancient Olympic Games - Wednesdays 4th and 11th April
Explore the history of the ancient Olympic Games. Make your own Olympic board game and victory wreath, and win your Olympic purple ribbon.
Sessions at 10.30pm and 2.00pm, approx 2 hours long.
For 5-12 year olds - BOOKING REQUIRED! Telephone 020 8460 1442 or email crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com.
Children MUST be accompanied, accompanying adult free.
Entry £4 per child.
July event - Family Roman Villa Fun
Wednesday 25 and Friday 27 July
Guided talk of the villa house for adults, while children have an activity session with Roman artefacts and dressing up as Romans. Do the villa quiz and win special villa badges and a joint certificate.
For all the family, children to be accompanied - sessions at 10.30am and 2.00pm. Sessions approx 1½ hours.
No booking required - just turn up. Normal entry prices.
Council for British Archaeology South East Conference - Marking Past Landscapes
Dorking Christian Centre, Dorking
Saturday 13 October
AGM 12.15 – 12.45.
Conference 2-5pm. Programme and prices to follow.
Can you help with research into ‘galletting’?
Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, is conducting research into galletting - the practice of inserting small pieces of stone or oyster shells into mortar joints. This has been a traditional form of construction for many centuries, especially in the south east of England. The practice is quite common in Kent, so the KAS Historic Buildings Committee has offered to assist by recording Kentish examples.
Have you seen a building with pieces of stone, brick, oyster shell or similar incorporated into the masonry joints?
Could you supply general and close-up photographs of galletted buildings with details of age (date or century) and original purpose when built?
Could you offer location details for galletted buildings, stating the material and its construction?
If you are willing to help with this recording, please contact Colin Arnott (colin.arnott@student.anglia.ac.uk) requesting the ‘galletting questionnaire’.