Historic Defences Committee Blog Site: An Appeal for Someone to Run It

If you put ‘Kent Historic Defences Committee’ into a search engine (https://kenthistoricdefences.wordpress.com) you will see the blog site for this committee.

This is intended as a ‘shop window’ for its activity and for sharing news about Kent’s historic defences. Its founder, Amy Adams, has recently stepped down from being manager of the site and we now hope to find a volunteer to continue to run it.

This will involve placing, from time to time, contributed new items on to the site, but there is also scope for someone interested to develop it.

It’s an important part of the engagement of the Committee with members of the Society and with the wider public and is a satisfying and worthwhile thing to run. There is related guidance available from the KAS.

We thank Amy for setting up the site and wish her well in her new career.

If you are interested in taking this on, would you please telephone the Committee chair Victor Smith on 01474 533415 or email him on victor.defon1@gmail.com


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