Letter to Affiliated Societies

Dear Colleagues,

From comments made at the KAS AGM it became apparent that members of the affiliated societies felt somewhat left out of the activities of the society. Although secretaries receive a copy of Arch Cant and the newsletters it is almost impossible for them to circulate the information to all the members. In addition there is not an effective communication system between the 50 or so affiliated societies. This was discussed at the Council meeting following the AGM and I was asked to contact the societies to see how we could improve the situation.

One of the ideas that came forward was to arrange a meeting to which members of the affiliated societies would be invited. Apart from being a chance to meet socially with members of other groups it would present an opportunity to find out who is doing what and where they are doing it. Such a meeting would enable the members of groups to say what support they would like from the KAS and what support they could give each other.

The Society is looking to a major rebuild of its website and it would be possible to have a section devoted to the affiliated societies. What are your views on this?

If you feel such a meeting would be useful please get in touch with me. I would also like any ideas as to the format. Should it be a day or half day? Ideas for a suitable venue would be appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you. My e-mail address is Mike.clinch@kentarchaeology.org.uk

Mike Clinch, Vice President


The Dover St James’s Redevelopment


News update from the KAS Annual General Meeting 21st May 2016 by your new President, Dr Gerald Cramp