
Kemsing Heritage Centre Association - Grants

One of the objectives of the KHCA is to promote the research, preservation and enjoyment of the history of Kemsing and immediate surrounds. To fulfil this aim it has established a small fund to provide grants to any person or group carrying out research on a voluntary basis.

Grants could cover, but are not limited to, direct expenses such as printing, photocopying and purchases of copyrights, travel expenses and publication costs. Grants will not cover remuneration for time. It is a condition of grant making that a summary of the results/copy of the publication must be submitted promptly for lodging in the Heritage Centre and for possible publication on its website.

The Trustees meet on a regular basis, usually every eight weeks. Applications should be made to the treasurer and will be considered at the following meeting. Each application will be considered and careful consideration given to the respective merits of any application. For further details and application form, please contact David Williams (Treasurer) on or by post to Red Court, Woodland Rise, Seal, Sevenoaks TN15 0JB.

Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society - Grants

The Society has limited funds available to award grants to individuals researching the history and archaeology of Canterbury and surrounds. A grant would not normally exceed £500. Preference is given to work resulting in publication in any media.

Please apply to the Hon. Sec. of the Grants Committee not later than 30 June 2014. Your letter should mention your qualifications, the nature and length of your research, the stage you have reached, the amount you are applying for, and additional funding anticipated from elsewhere, your proposals for publication and your anticipated timetable. You may be asked to name a referee for the Committee to consult.

If successful, you would be expected to account for money spent and give a copy of any publication to the Society. A summary of your research might be put on the Society’s website.

For further details please contact Mrs C M Short, Hon Sec., 3 Little Meadow, Upper Harbledown, Canterbury CT2 9BD.


Information request: First World War fieldworks and defences in Kent


Committee Round Up