Annual General Meeting

The Society’s Annual General Meeting takes place on 17 May at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Agenda papers, together with the annual report and accounts, will be sent to all members of the Society during April.

The Annual General Meeting will include a report on the investigations made by Council into what is required to incorporate the Society – this is an important step to ensure that the Society can meet the challenges of this modern age. The Society will advise on progress made towards incorporation and a resolution is proposed to enable Council to complete the process.

The Society’s activities during 2013 are summarised in the annual report and reflect a busy and successful year for committees, with conferences, study days and lectures. Events are frequently advertised on the Society’s website: so please check this often to follow your interests. The website has over 20,000 pages, is a mine of information for researchers and regularly updated.

The business section of the meeting will be followed by a presentation on the work of the Romney Marsh Research Trust, which promises to be fascinating. So why not reserve 17 May in your diary and come along to support your Society and find out more.

During this year, the Council is reviewing its strategy for the future of the Society. Don’t forget that this is your Society and you can help the process by contributing your ideas. For example, do you have views on activities the Society should include in plans for the next five years? The Council is keen to know!

Please help us to help you by writing with any contribution, big or small, to the Hon. General Secretary, Peter Stutchbury, by email to:


International Liaisons


Do you know where these pictures were taken?