K.A.M.S.U - We Can Help!

The Kent Archaeologists Metal Detecting Support Unit (KAMSU) was established in May 2002, primarily to offer an inexpensive metal detecting survey service to archaeological contractors working on projects in Kent.

Since the launch of KAMSU, many surveys have been carried out with various archaeological units and groups. In the early years there was not a need to advertise KAMSU’s services, as work was plentiful, simply through word of mouth. However, in recent years there has been a decline in requests for assistance from KAMSU, possibly as a result of the adverse financial climate leading to a reduction in archaeological project funding. However, KAMSU can still arrange voluntary metal detecting support across Kent for all forms of archaeological project, whether commercial or community-based.

If you would like to learn more about what KAMSU can offer, please contact:

Clive Sinclair
email: clive.sinclair64@btopenworld.com
Tel: 020 8301 1214

Trevor Lodwell
email: trevorlodwell@blueyonder.co.uk
Tel: 01634 312112


Analysis of the questionnaire sent out to KAS Members


KAS Churches Committee Study Day: Church Life in the Middle Ages at St. Leonard’s Hythe