Membership Matters

I am pleased to welcome the new members to KAS since the last newsletter although of course this year has been so strange with the many COVID-19 constraints meaning that all conferences and meetings have had to be cancelled. Hopefully, next year will prove to be a much better year with opportunities to meet up with like minded members and friends. It has been very strange for all of us, so I hope that you have coped and have enjoyed receiving the 2020 copy of Archaeologia Cantiana which was full of so many articles pertaining to Kentish history and archaeology. I am also sure that you will welcome receiving this copy of the Magazine.

I recently sent letters to you who renewal by cheque so please pay either this way or by paying by bank transfer as soon as possible – If you do opt to pay by bank transfer please do this after the beginning of

January using your membership number and surname as the reference and let me know that you have done so. The Constitution states that all subscriptions must be fully paid by the end of March each year so If I do not receive your payment by then I must remove you from the membership list which I do not enjoy doing!

I am so grateful for your support of KAS and myself and wish you all good health and as good a Christmas as you can under the present circumstance plus all the very best for 2021.

Remember that without you as members KAS could not exist!!

Shiela Broomfield


Free KAS Membership for any Student aged 18+ in 2021

