New Books
Canterbury - 2000 Years of History - Marjorie Lyle
Tempus Publishing £15.99
A revised edition of this archaeological history of Canterbury has been launched. The book takes the city's story from its origins around 50BC to the Big Dig in 2001. It is illustrated by 88 b&w maps, diagrams and pictures, mostly from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust's collections. Its 27 colour plates provide an overview of this unique city's Roman, Saxon, Norman, medieval, post-dissolution, wartime and modern phases.
The Bootshoe Boys - Betty Coton
£9.95 + postage of 87p
A fascinating account of the history of the Elham Charity School from its foundation in the 1720s to the present day. Illustrated with many b&w photographs and fully indexed. Available from Betty Coton, 10 Kirby's Lane, Canterbury CT2 8AG or from all good booksellers.
Community and Disunity - Kent and the English Civil Wars 1640-1649 Jacqueline Eales
£4.99+£2.00 p&p
KAS members can buy the book at a £2 discount either at the AGM or by contacting Marjorie Lyle at or tel: 01227 765745 or 25 Rough Common Road, Canterbury CT2 9DL.
Hollingbourne - The History of a Kentish Parish - Helen Allinson
Synjon Books £14.00 inc p&p
The author is an established local historian, having already produced two successful histories of the parishes of Borden and Bredgar. 255 pages long, the book is illustrated with a mix of photographs and drawings and is fully indexed. The history of the village is traced from the earliest times to the end of the 20th century. Topics include life on the medieval manor, paper mills and water mills, education, the struggle for survival in the face of motorway and Channel Tunnel developments. Available from Synjon Books, 5 Homestead View, Borden, Sittingbourne ME9 8GJ. Cheques payable to H. Allinson.