More mysteries

We had a fantastic response to one of the 'mystery' photos in the last Newsletter. The 'church' was, of course, the Archbishop's Palace at Charing, as many of you, either through personal experience, or through reading Sarah Pearson's excellent article in Archaeologia Cantiana, pointed out. Sarah writes "the blocked window lies in the west wall of the hall, the wing coming off the hall is the porch, all of this of early 14th-century date. The octagonal brick turret with white stone quoins is a late 15th-century stair turret and the low buildings (some of which I have never seen photos of before) are post-medieval farm buildings; those in the foreground have gone."

We were not so lucky identifying the other image; many of you have remarked on the 'sign' and tables with seating provided, asking if it could have been a pub.


Do you recognise this spot?


Bill Penn remembered in Gravesend