Council for British Archaeology meeting, KAS Represented

A meeting took place at the Institute of Archaeology, London, on 6th October 1990, between the President and Officers of the CBA and representatives of CBA Member Organizations in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Professor Rosemary Cramp opened the proceedings by explaining the reasons for the meeting. An entirely new structure was envisaged for the CBA and it was hoped that the three counties, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, which at one time formed the CBA 'Group II' could be again united as an archaeological body representing the south-eastern counties. The KAS was represented by two members of Council and there were three other representatives from local Kentish archaeological societies. It is unfortunate that the meeting was so poorly attended, there being only nineteen people in the audience. Another meeting was arranged for Saturday 2nd Feb. 1991 at Brighton, Sussex. The hope was expressed that this gathering would be more successful and result in a definite plan for the south-east and its connection with the CBA.


K.A.S. Outing: Stour Boat Trip


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