The Geoff Porteus Memorial Appeal

Society members will be pleased to learn that the appeal mentioned in K.A.S. Newsletter No. 16 and launched by the then Mayor of Dartford, Cllr. Keith Thurlow at the start of Dartford Environment Week 1990, (Saturday 28th April) has now (October) reached the sum of £1,824. Arrangements are being made for a stained glass panel to be constructed by the Stained Glass Workshop in Staplehurst from a design produced by Derek Hicks, a local artist.

It is intended that the finished panel be installed and dedicated at the Holy Trinity Church in Dartford as part of Environment Week 1992. Continued efforts with fund raising are being organised with the aim of raising £3,500. If further members wish to contribute to the Appeal donations can be made to the Manager, Lloyds Bank, 55 High Street, Dartford, DA1 1DJ making cheques payable to Geoff Porteus Memorial Appeal.


Excavations at the Manor Gatehouse, Dartford

