Documents at Ightham Mote

Documents found at Ightham Mote and included in its archive at CKS have recently been translated by Ms. Liz Finn, Research Archivist. Anyone interested in having a copy of any of these please send SAE, to A. Elton, Orchard Cottage, Pine Tree Lane, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks TN 15 0NJ, stating which they want.

  • 1. 1536 An indenture of the prior and convent of Canterbury Cathedral Priory as of their manor of Broke, lying in the den of Denerden (Derenden) at Rolvenden.
  • 2. 1473 A lease of 3 acres at Rolvenden (with boundaries). Master of Cobham College.
  • 3. 1549 A quitclaim of 1½ roods at Romney Town (with boundaries).
  • 4. 1375 A grant of the manor of Stanpete at Isle of Sheppey.
  • 5. 1342 Grant of lands etc., at Shadoxhurst, Orlestone and Warehorne.
  • 6. 1382 Grant of rent for manor of Reyham at Isle of Sheppey.
  • 7. 1375 Grant of manor of Stanpette Isle of Sheppey.

Jill Eddison (Joint Founder of the Romney Marsh Research Trust)


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