British Archaeological Association 2004 OCHS Scholarship

Established in 1994 from a bequest by Miss Maud Lilian Ochs, the scholarship is awarded annually for research projects which fall within the BAA’s fields of interest. These are defined as the study of archaeology, art and architecture from the Roman period until the nineteenth century, principally within Europe.

Applications are invited from students who are completing theses for post-graduate degrees and who have access to no other sources of funding. It must be demonstrated that the award will enable a thesis to be completed satisfactorily within the period of the Scholarship. Applications where substantial amounts of fieldwork remain to be done are unlikely to succeed. A Scholarship is awarded for one year only and is not renewable.

Applications are also invited from scholars unattached to universities. Their personal circumstances should be such as to prevent the completion of their research unless supported by a scholarship of this kind.

Applications simply for publishing costs, or for writing up and publication of existing research fully funded by another body, may also be considered, but only in the event of there being few claims for funds from scholars applying to complete research work. Applications of this kind must also demonstrate that no other body could reasonably be expected to finance writing up. Projects should be capable of completion within the period of the Scholarship which, in this category, should be no shorter than two months but not necessarily as long as one year.

Scholarships up to the value of £5000 are available annually.

Application forms may be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope to:

John McNeill
Hon. Secretary BAA
18 Stanley Road
Oxford OX4 1QZ
Completed applications, together with any covering letter or enclosures, should be returned to John McNeill not later than 1st February 2004.


The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture Project


Cavern Clues