Welcome from the Editor

Welcome to the Spring 2019 Newsletter.

Following a relatively quiet winter, we have an issue packed with a variety of fieldwork, historical research projects and discussion. The Letters to the Editor section has taken off in this issue with members commenting on previously featured articles; this extended discussion is a long-term aim of the Newsletter and one, I hope, the Membership continues. What also struck me when editing this issue is the number of articles – and their associated projects

– that have utilised and benefited from the survey equipment purchased by the Society in 2018. This investment in new technologies will continue to have a positive impact on much of the survey and fieldwork carried out by the Society and affiliate groups.

Nowhere has this aim been more evident than at the recent survey of Badlesmere Bottom Field at Lees Court Estate, a probable candidate for one of the most extensive volunteer magnetometry surveys undertaken. Students from the University of Kent and KAS members from affiliate groups worked tirelessly, using the KAS survey equipment and learning new skills in the process, to survey approximately 250,000 square metres of agricultural land, the results of which are a feature on pages 15–17 of this issue.

For me, the best way to increase the Society’s membership is continued engagement and learning – get people involved, try new activities, learn new skills and make contributions to our County’s fantastic archaeological and historical heritage. Members wishing to make use of the survey equipment need only contact the survey team at geophysics@kentarchaeology.org.uk

The Newsletter remains an outlet for this fantastic heritage and the tremendous work going on out there. I continue to encourage as many members as possible to think about writing articles and help inform the broader historical and archaeological community of what is taking place in our heritage-rich and diverse County. Please continue to forward articles or notices to newsletter@kentarchaeology.org.uk.

Enjoy this issue.

Richard Taylor

The editor wishes to draw attention to the fact that neither he nor the KAS Council are answerable for opinions which contributors may express in their signed articles; each author is alone responsible for the contents and substance of their work.

Front cover image courtesy of Jacob Scott.


KAS Newsletter, Issue 111, Spring 2019


President’s Column