
See Library News for details of recent publications by two KAS members, G and M. Copus.

DOVER CASTLE, by Jonathan Coad. This famous fortress was first established on the site of an Iron Age Hillfort and has been continuously garrisoned for nearly 900 years. Published by Batsford, Paperback £15.95, it contains 128 pages. Batsford 4 Fitzhardinge St., London W1H 0AH. Tel: 0171-486 8484.

COUNTRY HOUSE BREWING IN ENGLAND 1500 - 1900, by Pamela Sambrook. This book shows the role beer played in the life of the country house, with beer allowances and beer money an integral part of servants' rewards; heavily illustrated this is an important and original contribution to architectural, brewing and social history, Pamela Sambrook describes the brewing equipment, such as coppers, mash tuns, underbacks and coolers; the types of beer brewed and the brewers themselves. Price £25. 336 pages, 115 illustrations. Obtainable from: The Hambledon Press, 102 Gloucester Avenue, London NW1 8HX. Tel: 0171-586 0817. Postage £2.

COINS OF ENGLAND AND THE UNITED KINGDOM. Also published by Batsford is the Seaby's Standard Catalogue of British Coins. 31st Edition 1996. This lists every major coin from Celtic coinage to the present date and over 1500 coins are illustrated. £12.95 Paperback. Obtainable from address above.

SHIPS OF THE PORT OF LONDON. by Peter Marsden. English Heritage Archaeological Report No. 5. A study of twelfth to seventeenth-century ships and boats from the port of London. The book focuses on the substantial remains of three local vessels dating to 1160-90, fifteenth century and c.1670. Price £30. 236 pages, 188 illustrations, Order from English Heritage Postal Sales, PO Box 229, Northampton NN6 9RY.

MUSEUMS YEAR BOOK 1996/97. This volume provides full details of over 3,000 museums, galleries, heritage centres, historic houses and related organisations in the U.K. and Ireland. Price £? 512 pages. Details from: Museums Yearbook Sales, Museums Association, 42 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1R 0PA. Tel: 0171-250 1836.


Appeal for volunteers for a survey of the later defences of the Thames and Medway


Kent Rural Lanes