Events, Outings, Lectures

K. A. S. Events

Country Social Evening and Barbecue

Through the hospitality of our member Mr E. Lade, the evening at Yaldham Manor was enjoyed by eighty members. It was preceded by Roaming Around Wrotham led by Mr K. Gravett when members were able to see the grounds of the Archbishop's Palace which are not normally open to the public.

Christmas Buffet Lunch 1997

This will be held at Wye College. See enclosed leaflet.


15th November 1997 at Ashford Parish Church Hall, 2.30 p.m. Mr Kenneth Gravett will give a lecture on 'Smaller Houses Under The Tudors - A Period of Change' 34TH CONFERENCE OF BUILDING RECORDERS This will be held at the Barn Hall (north of the parish church) at Charing on Saturday 11th October, commencing at 2.15 p.m. Mr Kenneth Gravett will speak on 'Structural Timberwork in Kent Buildings'. It is hoped that a discussion will follow. Tickets £1 for members, £2 for visitors from Terry Lawson, 102, Lower Vicarage Road, Kennington, Ashford TN24 9AP or at the door. Mr Gravett will be repeating his series of lectures on Traditional Buildings of Kent on Monday afternoons at the Methodist Hall, Wye, commencing 29th September 1997.


The archaeology of prehistoric Britain. Introductory W.E.A. class at Westmount Adult Education Centre, Dover. Ten weeks from Wednesday, 24th September at 7 p.m. Contact WEA District Office, Rochester for more details. 01634 842140. The archaeology of prehistoric Britain. Introductory W.E.A. class at Victoria Centre, Darnley Road, Gravesend. Twenty weeks from Thursday 2nd October at 7.30 p.m. Contact WEA District Office, Rochester for more details. 01634 842140.

Certificate in prehistoric archaeology. Christchurch College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury. Twenty weeks Friday evening course. More details from Admissions Office. 01227 767700.

GCSE Archaeology at Eastgate Adult Education Centre, Rochester begins Tuesday 23rd September, 7 - 9 p.m. The examination and the written work are not compulsory.




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