The Kent Archaeological Society Field School

October 7th, 8th, Archaeological Drawing

A practical weekend course on how to illustrate pottery and artifacts found in archaeological excavations. On Saturday, we will concentrate on pottery, with the emphasis on the accurate recording of pottery and the production of publication standard drawings. On Sunday, bone, metal and worked stone will be tackled. The course is led by Jane Russell, senior illustrator of the University College, London. £30 per day.

October 21st, 22nd, Field-walking and Historic Maps

A weekend course led by Dr Paul Wilkinson, who is a specialist in landscape archaeology. On Saturday we will see how historic maps can be used to locate archaeological sites. On Sunday the various methods of field-walking will be explained with a practical session in the field. Non-members £30 per day.

October 29th, Study of Artifacts

A Sunday course on how to identify, interpret and record the main types of archaeological finds resulting from field-work and excavation. In the afternoon we will visit some Iron-Age, Roman, and medieval sites found by field-work and the study of artifacts. £30 for the day.

November 4th, 5th, The Study of Roman Roads

All roads lead to Rome, and Watling Street, just by the Study Centre, is no exception. The course is led by Dr Paul Wilkinson and on Saturday and Sunday we will excavate a section of the Roman Watling Street just by the Centre at Sy ndale. This will add immeasurably to our knowledge of the little known, but most important highway in Roman Britain. £30 per day.

Details from:-
The Kent Archaeological Field School School Farm Oast, Graveney Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 SUP

Tel: 0208 987 8827 or 0585 700 112



High Weald Archeological Landscape Survey


Courses, Events, Teaching Aids