Calling all Diggers

The K.A.S. is compiling a list of people who would like to participate in excavations.

The Kent County Council has agreed to identify projects undertaken by professional archaeologists but where volunteers would be welcome. The society has been asked to compile a list of such volunteers who will be informed of opportunities. The selection of participants on any excavation will be the responsibility of the director of the excavation concerned.

The first project covered by this scheme will be on the Romano-British small town near Ashford, which is to be further excavated by the Oxford Archaeological Unit this summer.

Members of the society and its affiliated organizations are welcome to apply, but so are non-members who have some experience of archaeological excavation. There may also be opportunities for people to work on finds processing on site.

Application forms for inclusion on the list may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary of Fieldwork Committee, David Bacchus.


Leland Lewis Duncan, MVO, OBE, FSA


K.A.S. Resistance Meter