Young Archaeologists Clubs in Kent

The President is keen that the Society should sponsor and give practical help in the setting up, and subsequent running, of Young Archaeologists Clubs across Kent (as some other county societies do). The first vital step in realizing such an ambition is to identify suitably qualified people to organize and lead local clubs.

The national network of YACs is designed for the 9-17 age group, although members tend to be at the younger end of that range. The clubs normally meet monthly and some of their typical activities are:

- visits to historic sites

- hands-on identification of artifacts and practical conservation (with the help of the local museum)

- visits to excavations

- recognizing the key features of old buildings.

If you would like to be involved in this very worthwhile program (in whatever capacity), please write to the Hon. General Secretary. Or perhaps you may know of someone who would make a good Club leader, in which case please encourage them to make contact.


K.A.S. Resistance Meter

