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The week-long summer excursion will be to Alsace, from June 24th to July 1st inclusive. We shall be based in the Hotel Bristol, Colmar and will have the usual daily visits to historic and archaeological sites. As single rooms, as always, are at a premium, an early application, enclosing a S.A.E, to the Excursion Secretary is advisable. The three short visits within the county will, it is hoped, include a return to Mereworth Castle, and examinations of sites of particular interest in the industrial archaeology and pure archaeology fields. For details please send a S.A.E. to: Excursion Secretary: Joy Saynor.


Many members will be aware that Dr P Draper resigned the post of Hon. Librarian at the last A.G.M. He gave freely of his time and expertise to the Society for some 25 years in the exercise of this office. The Society will be indebted to him for many years for his foresight in starting the conversion of the Library catalogue to a computer database, the decision to create a Visual Records database and the programme of rebinding and conservation of the Library stock which is now almost complete. >Following Dr Draper's resignation, Dr F H Panton has been appointed Hon. Librarian and Mr L E Ilott was elected Chairman of the Library and Muniments Committee.


The Society's Library in the Maidstone Museum is acknowledged to be a superb resource of books, records, journals, collections, publications, photographs, drawings, prints and other historical materials relating to the history and archaeology of the historic county and overseas. It is a pity therefore, but it is unfortunately true, that the library is not used as much as it possibly should be. Accordingly, as part of the general reappraisal of the purpose and role of the Society in the 21st century, a Working Party of the Library Committee is examining ways in which its use may be enhanced, both as an important specialist reference centre and as a desirable educational resource. The overall aim is to make the library more accessible and attractive to potential users, and to seek out and attempt to satisfy areas of interest to Members which may not be currently catered for. In pursuance of these objectives, the Working Party has identified an action programme for consideration, approval by K.A.S. Council. Of primary importance is the transfer of the library catalogue into a computer database. This has been in progress for some time now, but it is necessary to speed up the process. It is the intention of the Working Party to have the task completed as soon as possible in the year 2000. It is then intended to put the catalogue onto a website for the convenience of Members. Progress on computer updating, particularly to store images is also underway. Attention must also be given to making it easier to locate items on the shelves. The layout of the library is a cause of some concern. The room at Maidstone Museum is overfilled with stock and furniture. However, we are unlikely to find a better and affordable location and in any event we would not wish to break the Society's long and happy association with the Museum. Reorganization of the contents of the library should ease the problems and provide more user-friendly facilities. The Working party is proposing to move a substantial part of the stock (principally foreign language collections) to other locations for storage where it will be available on request for research. This should free enough shelf space to eliminate the present double banking of books on the shelves. It is then planned to create secure storage for the more valuable material, which will be available on demand.

While the Society is justly proud of its antique furniture, the Working Party believes it takes up too much space and should be replaced by modern office furniture and equipment. A plan for this is being drawn up which will provide for computer and office space, for individual study and the flexibility to accommodate committee meetings.

We believe that Members will appreciate assistance when visiting the library. However, it is impossible to man the library at all times. We plan initially to provide coverage on Wednesday mornings, Saturday afternoons and one other half day. To achieve this we need at least six volunteers willing to work a half day on regular rota. We should welcome volunteers and any suggestions as to which other day the library should be manned.

The actions proposed above were submitted to Council at its December 1999 meeting with a request for the necessary expenditure. Council approved the action plan which will be implemented as quickly as is practicable.

F H Panton


1. The Library is a Reference collection and no book or other material may be removed from the room. 'Borrowing' causes severe inconvenience to other Members who may have traveled a considerable distance to consult a particular item.

2. Maidstone Museum opening hours Monday-Saturday 10 - 5.15 Sunday 11 - 4

3. Members wishing to use the Library should show their Membership card to the Museum attendant and sign themselves in and out of the Library. The Museum staff hold the keys to the Library and will open it for any Member who signs in. Members not currently in possession of a Membership card should obtain one from the Hon. Secretary. Members not known to the Museum staff may be asked to provide additional identification.

4. The Maidstone Museum Operations Manager asks that Members be reminded that there is no car parking available at the Museum unless you are collecting or delivering bulky items.

5. Useful contacts for further information about the Library are: F. H. Panton - L Ilott - D Anstey - M Pering 6 ' )


Last year Deal celebrated the tercentenary of receiving its charter so our Annual General Meeting in May was held there, in the Astor Theatre, and public lectures in the afternoon formed part of the Deal 300 programme. Keith Parfitt spoke on the excavations at Mill Hill and John Iveson on the history of the defenses of Dover to a large audience which included many who were not members of the Society. The meeting in the morning marked the retirement of Dr Alec Detsicas as Hon. Editor. His achievements during his 30 years in this office were described by Dr John Whyman. During this time Dr Detsicas was responsible for some 33 volumes of Archaeologia Cantiana as well as other publications. Unfortunately his health prevented him from being present so the gift subscribed by members was presented to him on a subsequent occasion.

Terry Lawson was welcomed as the new Hon. Editor but otherwise all the serving Officers and Council members were re-elected. The rules were changed to reduce the number of Vice Presidents by two and the result of the ballot was that the serving Vice Presidents were re-elected. The Hon.Treasurer, Robin Thomas, explained the need for an increase in the subscription rates and the following rates were agreed to take effect on the 1st January next year.

Individual member: £20 Husband and wife: £25 Junior member (not over 21): £10 Over 65 and a member for 5/10 years: £15 Husband and wife both over 65 years and members for 5/10 years: £23 Affiliated Society: £20 Institutional Subscriber: £35 Another change to the subscriptions was an alteration to the rule allowing members over 65 to pay a reduced subscription if they have been members for 5 years or more. The qualifying period was increased to 10 years. If you qualified for this concession before the 1st January 1999 you will have to apply (to the Hon.Membership Secretary) before the 31st March.


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Westhawk Farm Excavations