Courses, Events, Teaching Aids

Sevenoaks District Committee of the Council for the Protection of Rural England

Sevenoaks District Committee of the Council for the Protection of Rural England is organising a one day course 'Reading the Landscape; focusing on West Kent' on 16 March 2002. 10-4pm. Venue Ide Hill Village Hall. Four expert speakers to cover aspects of geology, landscape, history, aesthetical appreciation and ecology will be explained.

Coffee / tea and lunch included in the cost of £8.00 for the day. Deadline for booking 1st February 2002. Contact for details/booking: Mrs Susan Pittman

Council for Kentish Archaeology

Archaeological Discoveries in the South East

Saturday, 3rd November 2001 -(2.00 -5.30pm) Christ Church University College, Canterbury

* Illustrated lectures on some recent exciting archaeological discoveries in the S.E.*

Shinewater Park, near Eastbourne - the story of a Bronze Age waterlogged landscape

- the Roman circular temple at Wanborough
- Betchworth: a place of special significance?

The Roman City of London - current research

Dr. Andrew Woodcock (East Sussex County Archaeologist)

David Williams (Director of Excavations)

Philip Treveil (Senior Archaeologist, MOLAS)

TICKETS: £3.00 (Payable C.K.A. and sae, please) from C.K.A. 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green, Kent TN15 8HP

Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society

Presents a series of illustrated lectures entitled PRIDE IN OUR PAST - SEAWAYS AND ROADWAYS TO A GATEWAY ISLAND

All lectures will be at St. George's High School, Westwood Road, Broadstairs. Doors open 7.15pm, lecture start 7.45pm.

Tuesday 25th September 2001 - A Gateway Island by Dr. David Perkins, Trust for Thanet Archaeology.

Monday 19th November 2001 - An Update on the Stirling Castle Wreck, Norman Temple of Seadive by Dr. David Perkins, Trust for Thanet Archaeology.

Tickets £3.50 at the door, £3.00 in advance, £10 for all lectures in advance. Tickets and further information from:-The Events Secretary.


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