What’s On




Saturday 20 October
Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way, Lenham

Illustrated talks:
Hip to Hearth: an Examination of the Complexities of Buildings Archaeology; Andrew Linklater (Canterbury Archaeological Trust)
The Window of Time: Dating by Detail; Charles Brooking (creator of the Brooking Collection of architectural features)
Tracing the History of Buildings at the Centre for Kentish Studies; Elizabeth Finn (Centre for Kentish Studies)

Followed by a short introduction to Kentish barns and a visit to Lenham Barn.

The day starts at 9.30am for 10am and finishes at 4pm. Tickets are £8 each including refreshments. Payment can be made at the door.


A study morning for new and recently joined members
Saturday 27 October

We are holding a Study Morning in the KAS Library within Maidstone Museum from 10am to 1pm on Saturday 27 October at which Officers and experienced members of the KAS will give presentations designed to familiarise new members with the organisation, activities and resources of the Society. Talks will include a short history of the Society and its present administrative set-up; activities of the various committees and groups; resources of the Library, including the Societies websites; artefacts and finds, documentary, manuscript and visual record collections owned by the Society. There is no charge for the event. New and recently joined Members wishing to attend this meeting should apply to Dr. Frank Panton, tel: 01795 472218, email: drh.panton@grove-end-tunstall.fsnet.co.uk.


Saturday 3 November
The Village Hall, East Peckham

A Study Session is being held entitled 'A Parish Pump Revolution.' The talk, illustrations and role-playing given, or guided by, Dr Andrew Foster of the University of Chichester deal with the local impact of the Reformation and promises to be a novel and lively appraisal of how great issues affected communities.
We meet at 1.45 for 2pm at the Village Hall, where there is ample parking. The charge is £6 per person (including tea and biscuits) and early booking is suggested because numbers are limited. Cheques payable to KAS should be sent to Philip Lawrence at Banfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ by 10 October.
A booking form is included in this Newsletter.
The following local pubs serve meals – The Bush, Blackbird and Thrush; The Man of Kent; The Bell.




The role of Kent in conflicts through the ages, from the Romans till the World Wars of the last century
Saturday 3 November

Canterbury Christ Church University

Caesar & Claudius Gerald Grainge
Front Line Kent in the Civil Wars, including a presentation of Civil War weapons National Army Museum, Chelsea
Threat, Action & Potential 1900-1919 Major Guy Taylor
The Beleaguered Years of the Second World War Victor Smith
Tickets £4, available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP. Cheques payable to CKA, with SAE please. More information on 0208 7771787 or www.cka.fsnet.co.uk.

The CKA Spring conference will be held on 19 April at Sevenoaks – further details in the January Newsletter.



Saturday 10 November
Medway Campus of the University of Kent

Registration from 9.30. Refreshments available
Introduction by John Mills, CBA SE Chairman
The South East Research Framework: Project Update Jake Weekes, Heritage Conservation, KCC
Interpreting Lithic Scatters Chris Butler
Field Survey on the Lincolnshire Wolds: characterizing Roman settlement in a downland setting Steve Willis, University of Kent
Fieldwalking: Theory, Method & Practice Jeremy Taylor, University of Leicester

CBA SE AGM - All welcome to attend
The Portable Antiquities Scheme: more than just small finds Liz Andrews-Wilson, FLO, Sussex
Digging Hoards & Scatters: some case studies David Williams, FLO Surrey
Hands Across the Divide: Detectorists and Archaeologists working together Derek Page, Brighton & Hove MD Club
Interpreting Anglo Saxon Metalwork Scatters Laura McLean
The Archaeology of Ploughsoil: Theoretical Overview Christopher Evans, Cambridge University

Tickets £15 for CBA SE members, £17.50 non-members, available from Steve & Eva Corbett, 4 Ditchling Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 8LS. Cheques payable to CBA SE please.

Friends of Canterbury Archaeological Trust Talks

Wednesday 21 November
The Kent Archaeological Society - the earlier years Paul Oldham
7pm at Darwin College, University of Kent, Canterbury.

Saturday 26 January 2008
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture given by Paul Bennett (Director, CAT) at 6pm at the Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University, Longport, Canterbury (Joint lecture with the Canterbury Archaeological Society).

Wednesday 27 February
The Work of the KAS Historic Buildings Committee by David Carder (KAS). 7.00 pm at the Dominican Priory, St Peter’s Lane, Canterbury.

Wednesday 26 March
Metal Detecting in Kent by Andrew Richardson (Kent Finds Liaison Officer) at 7pm. Canterbury venue to be announced – ring 01227 462062 or 454026.

Talks are all £2 for Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and £3 for non-members.

FCAT have also arranged Canterbury Festival Walks throughout the festival (14 - 27 October). Information available from the festival website or CanterburyBookings (01227 378100).

Tenterden & District Local History Society Town tours
Why not visit the beautiful Wealden town of Tenterden and have a guided tour which highlights some of the most interesting buildings in the town?
For further information call Jean Sugden on 01580 765591.

Centre for Kentish Studies

Local History Talks 2007-2008

The Centre for Kentish Studies continues to present a joint programme of talks together with Maidstone Library and Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery under the title ‘Time Talks’. For more information about the talks being held at the library and the museum, please see the leaflet for the whole programme or contact Maidstone Museum on 01622 602838 or Maidstone Library on 01622 201938 for more details.
Monday 12 November at 6.30pm
Hallowd Manorial Survey by Joan Hinds
A recently discovered survey dated 1680, of the manor of Hallow, next door to Tonbridge, sheds light on its farms alongside the Wealdway, its hunting park and inhabitants, and opens up a fresh view of life on this northern edge of the Weald.
Monday 14 January 2008 at 6.30pm
Historic Kent Films by Frank Gray
Dr Frank Gray, Director of the Screen Archive South East will show a selection of films from the archive that reflect the changing nature of life and work in Kent over the last century.
Monday 18 February at 6.30pm
"What I want you to remember is the ‘tie’, the ‘telling’ relationship of 1938 Scarville-St-Roswald" by Virginia Woolf by Lyndall Gordon
2008 is the 80th anniversary of Orlando, the novel Virginia Woolf based on Vita Sackville-West and Knole. In Vita’s and Orlando’s relationship with Virginia Woolf, personal imaginative play and ‘telling’ were, I want to suggest, paramount. There will also be a book-signing at this event.
All talks, £3.00 each. Please make cheques payable to Kent County Council and send to The Centre for Kentish Studies, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone ME14 1XQ, enclosing a stamped and addressed envelope.

Tonbridge Historical Society

Thursday 25 October at 8pm
Lady Anne Clifford & Her Estate by Peter Milton Thompson
Saturday 17 November at 2.30pm
Suffragettes – Medway’s Local Elizaabeth Crawford & Dr. Anne Logan
Two presentations on a lively evening with a tea interval. Booking necessary – ring 01732 838698 or mail@tonfieldhall.demon.co.uk.
Thursday 20 December at 8pm
Christmas Articles by Jane White
Thursday 21 February at 7.30pm
Archaeology of the Osborne Estate/Raitt Loch – Part 2 Helen Glass
Thursday 20 April at 7.30pm
AGM followed by The British Slave Trade & Abolition David Killingray

The Lady Penelope – the lost tale of love and politics in the court of Elizabeth I
30 November at 7pm
Kipplingbarn Church Centre, Sevenoaks
Organised by Friends of the Hole. Talk by author Sally Varlow on the research and findings within her book (featured in New Books).
Tickets £3.00, including refreshments, pay on the door.

Egyptology Courses

With Frances Williams M.A., M.I.F.A.
Cairo to Aswan: A journey down the Nile
8 week course - £50
Canterbury 2-4pm on Tuesdays, from 23 October
Tonbridge 11am – 1pm on Thursdays, from 25 October
Reading Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs on Museum Collections in Annals
8 week course - £50
Canterbury 2-4pm on Tuesdays, from 23 October
Tonbridge 2-4pm on Thursdays, from 25 October
University of Kent, Dalgaard: Tutmosis III: Egypt’s Warrior King
Canterbury: Saturday 15 March
Study tours to Egypt:
1) The Western desert – Cairo-Bahariya-Farafra-Dakhla-Kharga-Luxor
2) The Archaic Age of Egypt: from the Nagada series to the 3rd dynasty

More details available from fcpat@kentmail.com on 01892 723103.
For University of Kent courses contact j.vvoolowjohn@ukc.ac.uk.

Crayford Manor House Historical & Archaeological Society Talks

10 November
Mrs Beeton’s Victorian Christmas Tinnedham
8 December (buffet disco – contact number for details below)
Kent Characters – Meaty, Weird and Wonderful Chris McCooey

12 January 2008
Plays and Players in Medieval Kent James Gibson
9 February
Lord Mayors of London John Halligan
8 March
The History of Bluewater: Past & Future A speaker from Waterstone
12 April
Behind the Scenes at the National Trust Petty Judge

All meetings take place at the Baker Trust Hall Maidlow Road, Crayford at 7pm for 7.30pm. Non-members of CMHHS are welcome to attend: £2 each. Enquiries to Jillian S. Hiller-Gillman on 01322 551729.
The Society also has a programme of excursions running – please contact Mr Davies on 01322 335885.


We Need a New Treasurer


‘Happy Birthday’ Thomas Telford