What’s On



St Nicholas Church, Chislehurst and St Mary’s, Gray
Saturday 26 April

We meet at 1.45 for 2pm at St Nicholas and at St Mary’s at about 3pm. Tea and biscuits will be served at St Mary’s.
Cost of the tour is £2. Tea and biscuits is £1 extra.
A booking form for this event is included in this Newsletter.


Excursion to Westenhanger Castle and Barns
Tuesday 26 May

The castle is one of a group of quadrangular castles and manor houses that were strengthened in response to threats of attack from France during the 14th Century. This scheduled monument and the two medieval timber-framed barns are undergoing a programme of conservation. The three-hour tour will cover:

  • The development of Westenhanger during the period 1300-1750
  • Historical facts relating to the site
  • Owners of Westenhanger
  • Phased restoration work since 1996
  • Restoration and consolidation techniques
  • English Heritage connections
Cost of the tour is £6.50 per person. Tea £3.00 extra. A booking form is included in this Newsletter.
More details from Joy Saynor on 01959 522717 or email: saynor@shore-hamkent.wanadoo.co.uk

A second excursion will be to Boxley Abbey and Barn on Saturday, 28 June 2008. A third excursion will take place in September. Details of these two trips will be given in the April issue of the Newsletter.


Visit to Provenders near Faversham
Thursday 22 May

Provenders is a Grade II* 14c manor house being restored from decay by Princess Olga Romanoff. A detailed tour of the 29 rooms will repay the charge of £10. Full details in the next issue, but if needed before, contact Margaret Lawrence on 01622 671945.



Spring Conference on Rescue Archaeology
19 April

Sevenoaks Community Centre, Otford Road.
This conference focuses on rescue archaeology and is organised jointly with the organisation ‘Rescue’. Further details on speakers, cost and tickets on www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk.


Saturday 26 January
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture by Paul Bennett
6pm at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University, Longport, Canterbury (Joint lecture with the Canterbury Archaeological Society).

Wednesday 27 February
The Work of the KAS Historic Buildings Committee by David Carder (KAS). 7.00 pm at the Dominican Priory, St Peter’s Lane, Canterbury.

Wednesday 26 March
Metal Detecting in Kent by Andrew Richardson (Kent Finds Liaison Officer) 7pm at the Dominican Priory, St Peter’s Lane, Canterbury.
Talks are all £2 for Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and £3 for non-members.


Local History Talks 2007-2008
The Centre for Kentish Studies continues to present a joint programme of talks together with Maidstone Library and Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery, under the title of ‘Time Talks’. For more information about the talks, please contact Maidstone Museum on 01622 602838 or Maidstone Library on 01622 701943 for more details.

Monday 18 February at 6.30pm
“What I am I want you to tell me”: the ‘telling’ relationship of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf by Lyndall Gordon
2008 is the 80th anniversary of Orlando, the novel Virginia Woolf based on Vita Sackville-West and Knole. In Vita’s amorous relationship with Virginia Woolf, reciprocal imaginative play and ‘telling’ were, I want to suggest, paramount. There will also be a book-signing at this event.
All talks £3.00 each. Please make cheques payable to Kent County Council and send to The Centre for Kentish Studies, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone ME14 1XQ, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.


Thursday 21 February 2008 7.45pm
Archaeology of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link – Part 2 Helen Glass

Thursday 10 April 7.30pm
AGM followed by The British Slave Trade & Abolition by David Killingray
Talks take place at the University of Kent Centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge. Non members welcome. Further details on 01732 838698.

Egyptology Courses

With Frances Williams M.A., M.I.F.A.
University of Kent dayschool: Tuthmosis III: Egypt’s Warrior King
Canterbury, Saturday 15 March

Study Tours to Egypt
1) The Western desert: Cairo-Baharya-Farafra-Dakhleh-Kharga-Luxor
2) The Archaeology of Luxor – exploring a sacred landscape
More details available from fwpciest@hotmail.com or 01892 732013. For University of Kent dayschools contact j.v.woollough@kent.ac.uk.



9 February
Lord Mayors of London John Halligan

8 March
The History of John Lewis and Waitrose A speaker from Waitrose

12 April
Behind the Scenes at the National Trust Patsy Judge
All meetings are held at the Baker Trust Hall, Maxim Road, Crayford at 7pm for 7.30pm. Non members of CMHHAS are welcome to attend - £2 each. Enquiries to Mrs J. Hear-Gillham on 01322 551279.
The Society also has a summer excursion programme – please contact Mr Davies on 01322 525335.


Monday 11 February
Donald Maxwell – the unknown artist
A talk by Bob Ratcliffe, President of the City of Rochester Society, on the man who wrote, drew and painted prolifically in the early part of the 20th century but is now largely forgotten. Bob’s talk will attempt to rectify this situation.

Monday 10 March
Hops and Hop Picking
A talk by Richard Filmer, author and historian, on the history of hops from early times to the present day.

Monday 14 April
Cobham Hall
A talk by Gerry Harris on the families associated with Cobham Hall since the 13th century, their place in English history, and the development of the Hall.

Monday 12 May
‘Saxon Maidstone’
A talk by Karl Wittwer

Monday 9 June, 7.30 pm
Private visit to Kent Police Museum

Monday 14 July, 7 pm
Private visit to Tudely Parish Church to see the Chagall windows

Monday 13 October
‘Ration Fashion’
A talk by Lee Ault

Monday 12 November
‘One hundred years of Scouting in Loose’
A presentation by the Scout management team

Monday 8 December
‘Puppets, piers and pantomime’
A talk by Alan Stockwell

* Please pay in advance for these events – 9 June £2, 14 July £4.
Unless otherwise stated all meetings are held at Loose Infant School Hall and start at 7.30 pm. All welcome. Admission: £2.50. Pay at the door. For more details telephone 01622 741198.


What do you think this is?


A.G.M. 2007