Allen Grove Local History Fund

As there was only one application for a grant this year, only one was awarded. This was to James Sephton of Aylesford. His proposed book on the history of the church of St Peter & St Paul, Aylesford was considered worthy of support.

The trustees (who are the Officers of the Society) are concerned at the decline in the number of applications in recent years. If anyone has any suggestions for improving the response, or for using the funds in other ways than making grants to individuals and groups, they would be pleased to hear of them through the Hon. General Secretary*. The main requirement is that the money is used for the purposes of research, preservation, and enjoyment of local history.

The next grants will be awarded in 2009 and applications must be received by the Hon. General Secretary* by the 31st March. He can supply the application form or it can be downloaded from the society’s web site at

* Andrew Moffat.


‘Local History in Britain after Hoskins’: A Call for Papers


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