Annual General Meeting

The retirement of two people was marked at the annual general meeting of the Society on the 19th May. Hon. Treasurer, Robin Thomas, who remains on the Council as a Vice President, was thanked for looking after the Society’s finances for 11 years and Dr John Williams, who had retired as KCC’s County Archaeologist the day before, spoke on developments during his time in the county.

Barrie Beeching was elected as the new Hon. Treasurer but otherwise there was no change in the officers. Mike Clinch and Ian Coulson were elected to the Council for the first time to fill vacancies but some vacancies remain as members did not nominate enough candidates to fill them all.

At the previous A.G.M., when most subscription rates were changed, there had been discussion about encouraging younger members, so the rate for junior members was left at £10. This year the rules were changed to increase the age limit for junior members from 21 to 25 so that most young people in full-time education could benefit from the concession.

Speakers after the formal business, as well as Dr Williams, were Dr Andrew Richardson who spoke on fieldwork supported by the society’s Fieldwork Committee and Christopher Proudfoot who described the work of the Historic Buildings Committee.


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