New KAS Website

The new KAS website - - hosted by nVeracity, is up and running. The site is cross-linked with the existing KAS website, and complements it. The new website will provide three broad services: access to the index of the books and pamphlets held in the KAS library; access to the catalogue of over 12,000 visual images in the KAS collection; and the publication on the site of articles, reports and comments on aspects of the history and archaeology of Kent. The site will thereby offer a facility for the publication electronically of original work, by KAS members and non-members, capable of being downloaded. The content of this part of the site will be overseen by the Hon. Editor of the KAS, who will ensure that a high academic standard is maintained. Further information and forms of application to submit work for publication are available on the website.

The website is still under development, and it is envisaged that in due course it will be augmented with access to further databases on the history and archaeology of Kent as they become available.


Kenneth Gravett’s Library


Books on Loan to Christ Church University College, Canterbury