Geoarchaeological Facility Service

Samples from the first phase of the Dover excavation are undergoing analysis at the Wolfson Laboratories at the Institute of Archaeology, London. Some bulk samples have been processed and sorted by John Stewart of G.F.S. and specialist assessments have been conducted at a preliminary level by Dr. John Hatha (mosses, wood), Keith Williams (mollusca), Brian Irving, and Simon Parfitt (small and large mammals/fish). Detailed stratigraphic logging/X Radiography/mineral magnetic susceptibility is being conducted by Vaughn Williamson - who joined the Institute as a full-time sedimentologist employed by G.F.S. on 1st October, with assistance from Catherine Ward.

The data from the assessments were fed back to the field team in Dover (Martin Bates assisted by Jacob Czatska and Patrick Hunter) on a daily basis, and the results used to refine sampling/recording and construct clear research aims and objectives while the excavation proceeded. All of the work is funded by English Heritage, Dept. of Transport, and G.F.S. has been subcontracted by C.A.T. to undertake all stratigraphic, sedimentological, and palaeoenvironmental assessments under MAP II guidelines.

Analytical research work under the 'Assessment Phase' is expected to continue in the Wolfson Laboratories until June 1993. Anthony J. Barham of G.F.S. (Lecturer of Geoarchaeology at the Institute of Archaeology) is responsible for the palaeoenvironmental investigation on the project.


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The Society's Crest and Motto