Current Excavations

Canterbury Archaeological Trust

The Trust will be undertaking excavations this summer on a number of sites throughout the City. Volunteer diggers are most welcome as are any helpers willing to assist with the processing of pottery, finds, etc. Anyone who is interested should write to the Director, Mr Tim Tatton-Brown, B.A..

Gravesend Historical Society

The G.H.S. is undertaking an excavation in the playground of the former St Botolph's School at The Hill, Northfleet.

Although this is an "excavation of opportunity", St. Botolph's Church, which is in close proximity to our dig, was founded at the end of the 8th Century making the possibility of a Saxon find an exciting reality.

Already excavation has produced finds from the Roman period, Medieval pottery and coins, etc., but to date no features such as ditches or pits.

Sunday is the usual digging day when work commences at 10.30 am (the late start is necessary as we are not allowed to dig before the Church service has ended) until 1.30 pm.

Interested persons may contact Alan Ridgers for further details.

The excavation is ideal for those who have always wanted to dig but never quite got round to it!

Oldbury Hill Fort, Ightham, near Sevenoaks

Following the successful excavations during 1983, (as reported in the Winter 1984 K.A.S. Newsletter) work on this important research excavation will be carried out from 17th July to 17th August 1984.

The excavation, under the auspices of the Kent Archaeological Society, will be directed by Mr F.H. Thompson, the General Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries.

The aim of the excavation is to elucidate, in the light of modern research, the earlier work carried out at Oldbury in 1938 by the late Mr J.B.Ward-Perkins (Arch.Cant.Vol.51, 1939).

It is expected that the work will consist of further investigations of the internal features located by geophysical means, and possible sections through the northern defences and gateway.

Volunteers will be most welcome. For further information, please write to Mr F.H.Thompson, Society of Antiquaries.


Secretary wanted


A new survey of the buildings within the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral