AGM 1984

The Annual General Meeting of the Society is to be held on Saturday 19th May. Enclosed with this Newsletter are an Agenda, Annual Report, Report of Rules Committee, a draft copy of Conduct at Meetings ballot papers etc., for those eligible to vote, and other papers.

The venue this year is at Ashford School, East Hill, Ashford, just 5 minutes walk from the station. For those travelling by car, entrance to East Hill is from Mace Lane (A292) only, beside that distinctive tower known as the Flour Mills. There is adequate parking in the school grounds just a moment's walk from the hall.

Tea and Coffee will be served from 10 a.m. and again during the break for lunch. We are fortunate in that a cold lunch will be available at the school for those staying all day, but it must be pre-booked and paid for, please complete enclosed form. The business meeting starts at 10.30 a.m. and the afternoon session will commence at 2.30 p.m.

For the afternoon lecture, we are fortunate to have Mr Tim Tatton-Brown, B.A., Director of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, who will talk about Recent Archaeological Work at Christchurch Priory, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts (see centre pages).

Following the success of the 1983 A.G.M., there will again be displays of work undertaken by members, Affiliated Societies and Subject Branches of the Society.

Members will have an opportunity to see and discuss with the exhibitors throughout the day some of the archaeological and historical work that is being carried out in the County. In addition, the K.A.S. Bookstall will be present and will include for sale past copies of Archaeologia Cantiana and the Society's Record Publications.


Re-erection of the North Cray Hall-house at Singleton

