Kent Records

Kent Archaeological Society
Kent Records (New Series)
Volume 5. ISBN 978-0-906746-75-2

Members and non-members of the Society are invited to subscribe to the forthcoming parts of the Kent Records (New Series).

Please send a cheque/money order in sterling for £11.00, made payable to Kent Archaeological Society for your subscription to Volume 5, parts 5 & 6. Because of the difficulties and fluctuations of exchanging currencies, all remittances MUST BE made only in sterling. Please include your title, name and address. This should be sent to Kent Archaeological Society, Ashton Lodge, Church Road, Lyminge, Folkestone CT18 8JA.

Sincere apologies for the delay in producing Volume 4, part 10. I am currently working on part 10 which is the name and place index to the whole volume, together with a limited subject index conjointly with title pages and contents listing for binding. Future parts of Volume 5 will include further early Kent Feet of Fines and more lost Sandwich Muster records.

Duncan Harrington


Volume 1 (10 parts, 448 pp., 1990-95). Due to poor storage whilst held by another company, the staples have rusted; these are offered to subscribers free, paying only £3.50 for postage and packing.

Volume 3 ISBN 0-906746-50-7 (1999-2007). Parts 1-11; £27.50 (includes p&p), normally £55. Tenterden Tailor’s Accounts, Shipbourne Title Deeds, Hearth Tax Constables’ returns, A Seventeenth-Century inventory for Westenhanger Castle and Sturry Court with a 1559 survey of the manor, Faversham’s Assessment for a ship for the Counter Armada of 1596 and piracy document, Inhabitants of West Kent 1487, Faversham Fines 1295-1610 & an appendix of fines taken from some Borough accounts, material from the Public Record Office Feet of Fines and comment on Concords of Fines. There is an introduction to the Early Kent Muster Rolls and a transcript of the 1545 listing E101/61/40 & E101/65/27 from the NA (PRO). There are introductory sheets for the volume, contents for Volume 3, and a name and place index to Volume 3, parts 1-3 (the Tenterden Tailor’s accounts parts 1-3 were indexed in Vol. 3/3).

Volume 4 Parts 1-9 (2004-2010). £22.50, normally £46.50. A calendar of the Kent Feet of Fines for Edward VI, Mary and Philip and Mary; Eastry 1821 census; Feet of Fines Richard II, some now lost Elizabethan Musters for the Town of Sandwich.

Volume 5 Parts 1-4 (2010-11). £22.00. ‘Some Title Deeds relating to Tonbridge Town and parish 1476-1869’ and Feet of Fines for Henry VI and Henry V. Copies available at £5.50 each.

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