AGM 2011

The splendour of the Guildhall Museum in Rochester High Street set the scene for the Society’s AGM in May 2011. The fifty five members that attended were welcomed by the President, Chris Pout, who then presided over business items relating to 2010. Following a detailed report on Finance, he announced the result of the election for the new President: Ian Coulson had been elected as President. Retiring after six years in office, Chris Pout handed the meeting over to the new President, and immediately stepped down.

Six officers were declared elected – the office of Hon Excursions Secretary was, however, left unfilled after the retirement of Mrs Joy Saynor who had held this post for many years. President Ian Coulson welcomed six members to the Council, four who had been re-elected and two new ones. After the conclusion of formal business the audience were entertained, informed and amused by three presentations: Dr Andrew Richardson gave an overview of the Town-Unearthed project of Folkestone, Professor David Killingray elucidated the subject of Publishing Kent’s Past and Rod LeGear completed the session with a lively and fascinating report about Chislehurst Caves.

The most likely location for the AGM in 2012 will be Canterbury and nominations for members to the Council must be sent to the Hon. General Secretary (email: by the first day of March 2012.


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Notes from the Archives: Repairing ‘The Comarques’, High Street, Deal