
What a shame that it was such a small number of members that gathered for the really splendid guided walk round Tunbridge Wells led by our President, Ken Gravett. I do not intend to give a detailed description of the route taken or of the many interesting details to which we were treated. I know that I learnt a great deal about a town I thought I knew after living in the area for nearly thirty years. My main point is that so few bothered to turn up and enjoy the erudite mind of our President who had given up yet another afternoon of his valuable time to the KAS. I know we are all busy people but there are many complaints about lack of KAS activities so please take advantage of what is being offered to you. Is it that members prefer to sit and listen? The lecture on Ightham Mote at Yaldham Manor and that on the Archaeology of the Channel Tunnel and rail link were both well attended. Every time that I write a short article on a KAS event I end with the words 'what a shame more people did not attend.' This saddens me and I would urge you to read the list in the Newsletter and send for tickets/details as soon as possible. Please support our Society and those who put in so much work on your behalf.

Sheila Broomfield




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