Lecture Diary

Lecture Diary

Ashford Archaeological & Historical Society

19th Sept - The lost Stained Glass of Ashford Church, E. Mortimore

17th Oct - Romano-Gaulish Clay Figurines, Frank Jenkins

21st Nov - History of Ashford Fire Brigade, A.E.W. Palmer

16th Jan - Tracing your family history, M.G. Thompsett

Mondays at 7.30 pm, The Pop Inn, St John's Lane, Ashford.

Canterbury Archaeological Society

15th Oct - The Builders of the Parthenon, Mrs Virginia Webb

10th Dec - The Bargrove Collection, David Sterdy

Saturdays at 6.00 pm, Harvey Hall, Kent Postgraduate Medical Centre, Kent & Canterbury Hospital. Admission 50p. 14th Jan - Recent Excavations in Canterbury, Tim Tatton-Brown 6.00 pm, The New Lecture Theatre, Christchurch College of Further Education. Admission Free, Silver collection.

Charing and District Local History Society

8th Sept - The History of Penshurst Place, Mrs Joan Hunter

13th Oct - Life in the 13th Century, Mrs Margaret Cowles

10th Nov - The Royal Dockyard at Chatham, Jonathan Coad

8th Dec - Windmills, their History and Workings, Paul Jarvis, East Kent Mills Group

12th Jan - An Introduction to Heraldry, E.T. Mortimore Thursdays at 8 pm. Parish Hall, Station Road, Charing. Visitors welcome 40p, Car park.

East Peckham Historical Society

14th Sept - The Jutish Forest

12th Oct - The Ickham Roman Watermills

10th Nov - Farm Buildings in Plaxtol

6th Dec - The History of Porcelain at 8 pm, The Primary School, Church Lane.

Isle of Thanet Historical Society

K.P. Witney

Bob Spain

Mrs Jayne Semple

H. Murvey

19th Sept - The History of English Clock Making, E.A. Parker

17th Oct - Kent Mills, E. Newbie, East Kent Mills Group

21st Nov - Indian Images, Mrs Ann Peerless

12th Dec - Broadstairs, W. Lapthorne

16th Jan - Edwardian Margate in Postcards, A. Key Mondays at 7.30 pm, Westgate Library, Margate. Admission 60p.

Otford & District Historical Society

19th Oct - Richard the III, Richard III Society

16th Nov - Martin Luther, F.L. Clark

14th Dec - A.G.M. + The Golden Age of Israhan, D. Asprey

18th Jan - Weather in History, Peter Rogers Wednesdays at 8 pm, Otford Village Hall, High Street, Otford. Admission 50p.

Tonbridge Historical Society

22nd Sept - The Roman Palace at Fishbourne, David Rudkin

3rd Nov - The Vikings in Britain, Dr A.P. Smyth

5th Jan - Reflections on the treatment of the aged poor in Kent (from settlement to Speenhamland), Mrs Mary Barker-Read

Thursdays at 7.45 pm, Adult Education Centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge. Visitors welcome, 40p.

Day Meetings

Sat 24th Sept - K.A.S. Archaeology at Work, all day at New Ash Green Middle School, admission by free ticket, see front page for details.

Sat 8th Oct - K.A.S. Building Recorders Meeting, 2.30 pm, Charing.

Sat 15th Oct - Tonbridge Historical Society, afternoon, Kentish Coins and Traders' Tokens, at the Adult Education Centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge.

Sat 19th May 1984 - K.A.S. A.G.M. + Lecture, Ashford.

Day Schools

Sat 15th Oct - Maritime Archaeology.

Sat 3rd Mar - Anglo-Saxon Kent: Historical and Archaeological Aspects.

Sat 31st March - Anglo-Saxon Deeds and Manuscripts all at the University of Kent at Canterbury.

Sat 17th Sept - Structural Timberwork in Kent Buildings at the Angel Centre, Tonbridge.

Sat 14th April - Tudor and Stuart Houses in Kent at the University Centre, Tonbridge.

Weekend Courses

9th - 11th Sept - Vernacular Architecture in Canterbury and its area.

16th - 18th Dec - Military and Civilian in Roman Britain, both at the

University of Kent at Canterbury.

23rd - 25th March '84 - Revolting Kent at Allington Castle, Maidstone.

30th Mar - 1st April '84 - The Archaeology of Canterbury at Wye College, near Ashford.

25th - 27th May '84 - Deer Parks in Kent at Bore Place Farm, near Edenbridge.

Some Kent Evening Classes


Saxon, Viking and Norman Archaeology in Britain - T. Blagg. Wed 10 am from 5th Oct., 20 sessions St. Peter's Parish, Canterbury - H. Lansberry. Weds 5 pm from 5th Oct., 20 sessions

Change in the Village - Prof. G. Mingay. Thurs 7 pm from 6th Oct., 10 sessions.

Garden, Landscape, Architecture - C. Taylor. Thurs 7 pm from 6th Oct., 10 sessions all at Rutherford College, University of Kent.

Canterbury Personalities and Their Family History - D. Harrington. Thurs 7 pm from 29th Sept. 10 sessions at Teachers' Centre, St Peter's Lane.

Ecclesiastical Records - D. Harrington. Mons 2 pm from 10th Oct., 10 sessions, Cathedral Library.


The Archaeology of the Mediterranean Region - W. Webb. Tues 10 am from 27th Sept., 20 sessions at Adult Education Centre, Shorncliffe Road.


Roman Britain - T. Blagg. Tues 7 pm from 8th Nov., Homewood Community Education Centre, Ashford Rd.


Stained Glass - June Osborne, Sats 10.30 am from 1st Oct., 20 sessions at University Centre, Avebury Rd.

Saxon, Viking and Norman Archaeology in Britain - T. Blagg. Mons 7.30 pm from 3rd Oct. 20 sessions at Adult Education Centre, Avebury Rd."

Are you interested in the history and archaeology of the County of Kent?

The Kent Archaeological Society was founded in 1857 "to promote the study of archaeology in all its branches, especially within the County of Kent". Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the local history of Kent, in its churches, in the recording and preservation of its ancient buildings, in the lives and achievements of its men and women and in the study and publication of its records.

Of all its activities the most important has always been, and continues to be that of publication. Every year the Society publishes and issues free to members, Archaeologia Cantiana, an attractively bound volume of some 300 pages, reporting on the activities of the year and containing papers, many of them illustrated, upon a wide variety of Kentish subjects. To maibtain contact with members a Newsletter is also issued giving details of activities within the County.

The annual subscriptions is £7 (£3 for persons under 21) and Joint Subscription (Husband and wife) £9. Institutional membership is £10. Write now to Mr A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., Honorary General Secretary.




KAS Newsletter, Issue 4, Autumn 1983