
The Society continues with its programme of publication of its Monograph and Record Series.

Volumes 1 and 2 of the Archaeology of Canterbury were published in 1982, and volume 7 of the series is due to be published later this summer, details are given below. Other volumes submitted and awaiting publication in the near future include: Studies in Modern Kentish History (details below), The New Goal Order Book, 1805 - 1823, by C. W. Chalkin, The Visitations of Archbishop Warham by Dr K.Wood-Leigh. Ed., and Watermills, by M. Fuller and R. J. Spain.

For a complete list of K.A.S. publications still in print please consult list enclosed, or write to E. P. Connell.

Volume VII: Excavations in the St. George's Street and Burgate Street Areas by S.S.Frere and Sally Stow. 28 x 22 cm. approx. 250 pages, 143 figures, 36 plates, hardback cloth bound with two colour dust jacket. This report covers all the main excavations in this area between 1947 and 1957. It contains the full publication of the well-preserved St. George's Street Roman bathhouse as well as other Roman buildings in the area. There is also a very important group of mid-ninth to mid-tenth century pottery from the east side of Canterbury Lane and a full report on the contents of a remarkable fourteenth-century well. There are also appendices on more recent discoveries in the area by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. Price: £17 (£10.50 to K.A.S. members).

Studies in Modern Kentish History, Edited by Alec Detsicas and Nigel Yates.

27 x 21.5 cm., approx 250 pages, 7 figures and 22 plates, hardback, cloth bound with a four-colour laminated dust jacket. This volume of essays is being published in July 1983, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Kent Archives Office, and in honour of Felix Hull, County Archivist 1952-80, and Elizabeth Melling, Assistant County Archivist 1950-80. It will consist of essays on various aspects of modern Kentish history from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries by established scholars, including past and present members of staff of the Kent Archives Office. See enclosed leaflet for list of contents.

Publication price £16 (£12 to K.A.S. members) but will be available at a special pre-publication subscription rate of £12 (£8 to K.A.S. members) for orders placed before 30th May 1983. The names of all subscribers will be printed at the back of the volume. Orders for volumes, with cheques made payable to the Kent Archaeological Society should be sent to Mr A. P. Detsicas.


Romano-British Building in Snodland


The KAS Library