A-Level Archaeology by Correspondence Course: Newark and Sherwood College, Nottinghamshire

Newark and Sherwood College, Nottinghamshire This College provides the opportunity to study archaeology for a formal qualification without attendance at a center. So few colleges run examination courses, that this service will appeal to people from a wide geographical area who otherwise may have no access to such tuition. While many students prefer to study alone, others have formed small groups, meeting at one another's houses to discuss issues arising from their work and to give each other mutual support and help. Their studies. It is not essential that students actually commit themselves to take the examination, in fact a fair number follow the course simply because it structures and guides their learning in a subject they enjoy while still allowing them to work at a pace that suits them.

Tutoring is undertaken at present by a team of three staff - all teacher-trained and involved in the practical aspects of the subject. The course content covers areas of (i) archaeological methodology - survey, excavation, post excavation, chronology, (ii) topics of world archaeology, early man, art, origins and spread of farming, (iii) aspects of British archaeology, and (iv) a personal study of an aspect of archaeological significance.

Further information on Newark and Sherwood College Archaeology may be obtained from: M. Gorin, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 1PB.


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