
POSTS OF SEVENOAKS by Archibald Donald. (See enclosed leaflet)

RESEARCHING A GARDEN'S HISTORY, by David Lambert. Published by the Centre for Historic Parks and Gardens. £5.20. Obtainable from the Landscape Design Trust, 5a West Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9BL.

RESEARCHING THE COUNTRY HOUSE, A Guide for Local Historians by Arthur Elton, Brett Harrison, and Keith Wark. Published by B. T. Batsford £19.99 Hardback.

RECORDING HISTORIC BUILDINGS, A Descriptive Specification. Published by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England. This 1990 guide has now gone into a second edition. £2. Obtainable from RCHME Fortress House, 23 Savile Row, London W1X 23Q. (" Tel: 071 973 3500.

THE REPAIR OF WOOD WINDOWS, (SPAB Pamphlet No. 13, 24 pp.) £4 includes p. & p. Obtainable from the Soc. for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY.

THE CHIEFEST GRAIN. The autobiography of the late Prof. Maurice Barley, edited by Philip Dixon. £9.95 plus £1.95 p. & p. May be obtained from Archaeological Section, Dept. of Classical and Archaeological Studies, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Cheques to be made payable to 'University of Nottingham' CREATURE COMFORTS, The Problems of London Zoo. A joint report issued by the Victorian Society and the Thirties Society. Obtainable from the Victorian Society, 1 Priory Gdns., London W4.


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