The South East Film and Video Archive

The South East Film and Video Archive was launched in September of last year and is now embarking on its first major project - the Film and Video Search. The aim of this new regional film and video archive is to locate, collect and preserve films and videotapes made in and around the counties of Kent, Surrey, East Sussex and West Sussex. It will establish a public collection of films and videotapes which will represent a 20th Century history of this region. It will be available to individuals, clubs, societies, companies, schools, colleges, heritage services, county records offices, libraries and museums. The S.E.F.V.A. operates on a non-profit making basis dependent on grants, donations, sponsorship and income earned by providing services. At present it is supported by the University of Brighton, the South East Arts Board, the British Film Institute, the West Sussex Record Office, Hove Borough Council, the East Sussex Arts Panel, Kent Heritage Services and Surrey Record Office. The Archive is initiating a search for 'moving pictures' which show any aspect of life and work in the South East. The data from this hunt through public and private collections will be used to produce the first South East Film and Video Catalogue. This unique publication will attempt to list all the known films and videotapes made in and on this region. Its existence will aid the Archive in formulating its acquisition policy and provide an invaluable guide to an important aspect of the South East's visual history. It is hoped that the first edition of the catalogue will be published by the end of 1993. K.A.S. members are invited to specify works in their collections which they may consider to be of special value. The Archive has the resources to make viewing copies of the most interesting material which could be copied on to 16mm or video or both. Please contact me if you would like to know more about the Archive's activities. Frank Gray, (Curator) South East Film and Video Archive, School of Historical and Critical Studies, University of Brighton, Grand Parade, Brighton, East Sussex. BN2 2JY.


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