Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Buckland near Dover

This rich site of some 240 graves, dating from the mid-fifth century to the early seventh century, which was discovered in March 1994, has been excavated by a professional archaeological team under the direction of our member Mr. Paul Bennett of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. These graves are in addition to approximately 170 burials which were discovered on previous excavations in earlier years on or near the site by other archaeologists.

A splendid collection of jewelry, pottery, glass, and weapons has been found in graves of extreme richness. Most of the jewelry and luxury items seem to have been imported into the country from Northern France and the Rhineland. A number of Roman coins were found in the graves and in one burial, a small set of scales was discovered together with Roman coins as weights.

The British Museum has taken charge of the material for a two-year program of conservation after which some items may be returned to Dover Museum for display.


Excavation of a Well in Kemsing


Eccles Excavations: A Progress Note