John Adams Map of Cheriton (1828) (Members inquiry)

My inquiry is whether there is another original copy of the John Adams' map of the Parish of Cheriton (1828) other than the one at Folkestone Library. In addition, it seems that the map could have been published with an accompanying key. If that is correct, does the key also still exist and what are the locations of both the map and key, either in public institutions or in private hands.

Currently, I am researching a group of houses on the Esplanade, Sandgate, fronting onto the Channel. These are the houses between Brewers Hill and Prospect Road and the now demolished houses (Killarney and Roxana) on the eastern corner of Prospect Road and between Prospect Road and the Encombe Estate.

In August 1993, when researching at Folkestone Library, I saw a photograph of a segment of this map in the typescript copy of Alexander Todd's complete history 'Encombe, 1824 - 1924'. This segment showed the whole of the Encombe Estate and also all of the seven houses in which I am interested. Each house bears a number indicating that there was a key to these numbers, possibly listing residents or owners of each house. Recent correspondence with the Heritage Officer of Folkestone Library and with the Centre for Kentish Studies has not yet yielded positive results.

In addition to this specific information about the Cheriton Map, I would also be interested if any KAS members have any information on this John Adams. In order to make it easier for readers to communicate with me, letters can be sent to my brother at the following address (thus saving the cost of airmail postage): Mr. Michael Sargeant.


Letters and Research Requests


John Gardner, Bookbinder