Kent County Show 1995

Thanks to good weather and enthusiastic crowds, I think we may regard the KAS Exhibition at Detling as a success. In fairness, we must ascribe much of its attraction to William Lord from Diss, who sat patiently for hours flint-knapping to produce some exquisite hand-axes and flint tools, always ready, with his gracious partner to answer questions. Our nine minute KAS video with original music and a good commentary by Peter Draper was much used. Illustrated talks by Margaret Lawrence, Christine Waterman and Elizabeth Melling drew audiences which could be measured by other attractions in the display arenas.

At times we sat looking at each other and then were flooded with people and enquiries. There were some, if rather small sales of KAS goods, books and Shire Publications. A number of new KAS members were recruited. The display by the visual Arts Group was a great source of interest and comment. This was supplemented by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust's panels and books, faithfully presented each day by their members.

The KAS is indebted to Maidstone Museum and Art Gallery for the loan of Roman Coins, pot-sherds, a tegula tile, quern and also Victorian replicas of a great helm, horsehead armour and a great sword.

I had to dredge up some faltering French to explain to a French lady how a pudding-stone quern was used! We welcomed our President, Librarian and Treasurer on one day and also Mr Andrew Moffat and his wife.

I must record the Society's indebtedness to Ian Foreman in particular and to the many other helpers who lightened the load of setting up and dismantling the exhibition after three long days.

We think it was worth the effort!


Burgundy Excursion, May- June 1995


Slide Collection, Gift to the KAS