Events, Outings, Lectures
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KAS Hon. Editor's Announcement
Events, Outings, Lectures
KAS LECTURE PROGRAMME, 1996/97 To complete the 1996/97 season, three lectures have been arranged.
On March 15th, Andrew Savage of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust will talk on Pullen's Guild of the Roman Period in East Kent. On April 19th, and still on East Kent matters, Paul Cullen of Sussex University will discuss the latest research he has undertaken on Pilgrims and their archaeological significance. Finally, on May 10th, Graham Keevil (Oxford Archaeological Unit) who is currently directing the excavations in progress at the Tower of London will report on his findings which were front page news recently.
KAS DAY SCHOOL. KENT CHURCHYARDS - THEIR MONUMENTS and GRAVESTONES. This event will take place on Saturday, 19th April 1997 at The Barn (next to the Church), Haring, Kent. 10.40am to 4.10pm. Lectures will include Churchyards for the Genealogist; The Geology of Monuments and Gravestones; The Design and Craftsmanship of Monuments and Gravestones; and Churchyard Lichens. Talks will be illustrated with slides and exhibits and two of the lecturers will be speaking during 'walkabout' in the Haring Churchyard. Admission: £6. Please apply for tickets no later than 11th April 1997 from Mr. John Owen.
Cheques made payable to the Kent Archaeological Society.
KAS FIELDWORK ACTIVITIES TRAINING EXCAVATION 1997. The second training excavation on the site of the Roman Villa at Abbey Farm, Minster in Thanet is planned for the two weeks from Saturday, August 2nd, 1997.
Participants aged 16 or over, wishing to attend for one or two weeks will be most welcome. Further information, available in Spring 1997, may be obtained by sending your name and address to David Bacchus. KENT HISTORY SEMINARS. The popular seminars organised by our member, Dr. Shirley Black take place and will begin again in 1997 on Saturday, 8th February, when David Fowdrey and Jean Stirk will be speaking on A Kentishman's Home: Castle and College. Fee: £9, light lunch included. For enrolment or full programme for the year, Dr. S. Black. (address as above).
MEDWAY & GILLINGHAM BRANCH OF THE KAS Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings at the Guildhall Museum, High Street, Rochester. The doors of the museum open at 7.00pm.
Visitors welcome but donations welcomed.
Tuesday, 4th February 1997. Roman Pollen; Industries of the Upchurch Marshes, by Ian Jackson, Director of the Upchurch Archaeological Group.
Tuesday, 8th April 1997. Excavations on the Isle of Thanet, by Dave Perkins, Director of the Trust for Thanet Archaeology and most recently in charge of the KAS funded excavation of a Roman Villa on the 'Island'.
SHOREHAM & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY welcomes visitors. Admission £1.50 to non-members. Meetings are held at Shoreham Village Hall, 7.30pm for 8pm.
Friday, 17th January 1997. The Shoreham Samuel Palmer Knew by Ken Wilson.
Friday, 21st March, 1997 Canterbury Cathedral by Laurie Brewer.
EVENTS CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL IN 1997. The Cathedral has a full programme of events including special services, exhibitions, concerts and the following lectures in March: Pope Gregory I and the Roman Background to the Mission. St. Augustine's Journey and the Situation in Canterbury. The Inheritance of Saints Gregory and Augustine. In May Rome, Canterbury and Weamouth (Farrow) - Three Viewpoints on Augustine's Mission. For further information on events telephone 01227 762862. For ticket bookings or tourism enquiries contact: Visitor Information Centre, 34 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury CT1 2TG. Tel: 01227 766567 or 455600.
1797 COMMITTEE CONFERENCE Saturday, 5th July, 1997. Mutiny and the Navy. A special one-day conference to be held in Chatham to celebrate the Nore Mutiny of 1797. Speakers include Brian Lavery on Lower Deck Life in the Revolutionary Wars. Philip MacDougal on Reporting the Nore Mutiny in the Kentish Press. Jonathan Neale on Naval Discipline and others.
To be held at Chatham Historic Dockyard at 10.00am. Cost: £10 (£5 unwaged) for members of the KAS paying before the end of April.
Otherwise £12 (£7 unwaged) Cheques should be made payable to 1797 Committee and sent to 44 Lindley Avenue, Southsea, Hants.
PO4 9NU. Tel: 01705 787263.