Allen Grove Local History Fund

£1,200 was shared by five applicants this year. They were all to help people enjoy local history in different ways.

Three were to help with producing books, both research and production costs. One will be on the life and works of Thomas Dearn and another on the history of Bearstead and Roseacre School. These will enable both the authors and their readers to enjoy local history.

The other of these, Millennium History of Ulcombe, will also involve a group of people in researching aspects of the history of their locality. A similar grant, but for research and mounting an exhibition on changes in church and community in Otham and Langley, will encourage similar involvement (the preliminary results of this grant appears under ‘Events’ on page 4).

The Fifth grant was to an individual for research on the history of Highnam Priory.

Application forms for grants can be obtained from the Hon.General Secretary (contact details opposite) and the applications must reach him by 31st March next year.


Do you recognise this spot?


The KAS Excursion 2003