
Changing Scenes – An exhibition of photographs depicting life in the parishes of Otham and Langley and reflecting the changes that have occurred during the twentieth century. Willington, whose school was linked with Otham for some 14 years, is included with some early photographs. There are many lovely images of Otham in the 1940's, 50's and 60's before the Downswood and Madginford estates were built. The exhibition takes one right up to the present, with illustrations of events and activities in both church and community. It is part of an on-going project to make a photographic record of the parishes and also to collect memories in written form. It has received a grant from the Allen Grove History Fund of the K.A.S. (details of this year's awards can be found on page 8).

St Nicholas' Church, Otham on Saturday 5th October from 11am - 5pm and on Sunday 6th October from 10.15am - 5pm. Admission free, light refreshments available. Donations in aid of the Friends of Otham Church will be welcomed.

Following the Dover Bronze Age Boat Conference (details in July Newsletter or from Trust on the local tel: 01304 843084), the Bronze Age Day on Saturday 2nd November, open to the general public. Demonstrations of ancient woodworking by Damian Goodburn & Richard Darrah (constructors of the boat replica), smelting and...


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