West Malling and Leybourne

Bronze Age pottery were scattered across most of the excavation areas, showing a much higher level of early prehistoric activity than was previously thought. Perhaps the most exciting find was a Bronze Age spearhead, which was found by one of the local metal detectorists who worked closely with the excavation team.

The most significant discoveries belonged to the Iron Age. In Area A, there was a sequence of field and possible stock enclosures, each approximately 50m square, which had been frequently remodelled. Although no buildings were found, the quantity and condition of the pottery, cattle bone and burnt stone indicate that the settlement lay just outside the excavation and would not be affected by the new road scheme.

In Area E2, a small enclosure, 35m by 45m, was discovered dating to the Iron Age. This contained a wealth of evidence for industrial activity, an impressive collection of triangular loomweights, and tools including a sickle and a knife. The burial of an infant was also found. As with Area A, the main focus of the settlement lay outside the line of the road and in this case, partly below the present A228. In both areas activity continued into the early Romano-British period. An Anglo-Saxon sunken-featured building and a medieval boundary ditch were also found in Area E2. Some discoveries complement the better-known medieval sites, notably a 13th century bakery in Area B1 situated within a medieval field system. In one corner, the stone base of the oven was still in place with a thick spread of raked-out ashes extending from it.

Work on the Assessment is still in progress but the initial results have already made a significant addition to the history, and especially the missing prehistory, of the West Malling and Leybourne area.

Andy Manning
Wessex Archaeology

The Sandwich Project

The Sandwich Project is due to last for three years, concluding in September 2007. This short article illustrates what has begun to emerge from the collaborative research involved in the project. It will be followed by future updates, when the other participants will present further ideas and conclusions about the history and development of the town and port.

Helen Clarke
The Sandwich Project

Map of Sandwich's hinterland with contours at 1m intervals, showing postulated sites of havens, churches of St Clement (A), St Peter (B), St Mary (C), St Bartholomew's Hospital (D) and Carmelite Friary (E). Drawn by Barry Corke with modifications by Helen Clarke

LEFT: Fig. 2 Map of Sandwich's hinterland with contours at 1m intervals, showing postulated sites of havens, churches of St Clement (A), St Peter (B), St Mary (C), St Bartholomew's Hospital (D) and Carmelite Friary (E). Drawn by Barry Corke with modifications by Helen Clarke

Excavation site

BELOW: Excavation in progress at West Malling and Leybourne